Other ‘Working Joes’ Speak Out

I received an e-mail from a group that is promoting their web-site, “We are Joe.” that said, “we are hoping you can help us get a little visibility for the message on our blog before election day. We’re working Joes in the Toledo, Ohio area out to remind everyone of what’s really important in this election: that you deserve fair taxes, affordable healthcare, and a working economy as much as any other Joe.”

Their web-site says, “We’re fed up with the McCain/Palin campaign’s daily, dishonest use of ‘Joe the Plumber’ as a caricature of working people, whatever their income level. …We’re not here to bash Joe Wurzelbacher. As fellow hardworking Americans, we’re sympathetic to his concerns and current situation.”

are hoping you can help us get a
little visibility for the message on our blog before election day.

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