Monthly Archives: November 2009

Justice Is A Prerequisite For Liberty

Although “liberty and justice for all” is our nation’s goal, we are far from realizing that ideal.  The problem is, liberty and justice cost money and in the U.S., a lot of people simply don’t have enough money. We have … Continue reading

Posted in M Bock, Opinion | 31 Comments

If The Bureaucracy Says You Are A “Quality Teacher,” Or A “Professional,” It Hardly Makes It So

Interesting editorial today in The Dayton Daily News says, “Poor children need quality teachers, too.” It implies that the teachers in poverty schools are inferior to the teachers in high income schools. There are a lot of interesting comments.  Here … Continue reading

Posted in Special Reports | 31 Comments

Public Education’s Biggest Failure Is To Prepare Students For Effective Citizenship

Here is today’s test: What does the phrase, “with liberty and justice for all,” mean to you? On a scale of 0 -100, to what degree does the US live up to the ideal of “liberty and justice for all”? … Continue reading

Posted in M Bock, Opinion | 39 Comments