Monthly Archives: May 2011

As The Singularity Approaches — The Aim Of Education Must Be — Awake, Find Oil For Your Lamp, Get Ready

As I report here, acknowledged genius Ray Kurzweil in “The Singularity is Near” has tracked the historical growth of technology and shows it to be an exponential curve. Kurweil says we are at the cusp of that curve, and scientific … Continue reading

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For Their Thirty Standing Ovations For Israeli Prime Minister, Netanyahu — “Americans Should Be Deeply Ashamed Of Their Congress”

Israeli Prime Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, yesterday, made an address to the U.S. Congress that was wildly received — much, much applause. In his 46 minute speech, I counted 30 standing ovations. See below for the 30 parts of the speech … Continue reading

Posted in Special Reports | 2 Comments

When Anna Is Nineteen: Public Education In Kettering, Ohio, In The Year 2030

I’m compiling my posts from the last couple of years into a book — Lulu self-publishing makes it easy. This is a first try at a cover, with the picture of my beautiful great, great, niece. When Anna is 19, … Continue reading

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