Monthly Archives: July 2009

Budget Expert, Richard Sheridan, Gives Ohio Governor Strickland An “A+” In Financial Management

Richard Sheridan, a former longtime head of the nonpartisan Legislative Budget Office who has studied Ohio budgets for more than three decades, in the latest “State Budgeting Matters” publication, says that Ohio’s Governor Ted Strickland an his Budget Director, J. … Continue reading

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Health Insurance Reform To Be Decided By Six Senators — Mostly From Sparsely Populated, Very White States

According to an article in The New York Times, it looks like the chance for health reform is in the hands of a bi-partisan committee of six senators. This committee has already rejected the notion of a government-run insurance plan … Continue reading

Posted in Special Reports | 5 Comments

The Creation Museum’s Shocking Indoctrination Effort Reminds — Only The Authority Of Reason Can Save Us

This is the second post about the Creation Museum. The first post is here. It seems hard to believe, evidently, a large percentage of Americans — 40% – 50% — agree with the Creation Museum’s point of view — that … Continue reading

Posted in M Bock | 51 Comments