Monthly Archives: December 2009

“Avatar” Delivers This Message: The Limit And Hope Of Humanity Is Not In Our Science But In Ourselves

“Avatar” takes place 4.3 light years from Earth, in the year 2154.  Here is a description of the key premise of the movie from a review: Intelligent life, called Na’vi, has been found on the moon called Pandora.  Jake Sully … Continue reading

Posted in M Bock | 1 Comment

Senator Paul Kirk Disputes Howard Dean’s “Health Bill Does More Harm Than Good” Condemnation

Howard’s Dean’s assessment of the Senate’s health care bill is so negative, if he were a U.S. Senator, Dean says, he would vote against the bill. If Howard Dean were actually a U.S. senator, it’s hard to think that he … Continue reading

Posted in Special Reports | 2 Comments

At Oslo, Obama Asked And Attempted To Answer The Question: How Do We Overcome Evil?

In President Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize speech, I hear Obama asking and attempting to answer a fundamental question:  “How do we overcome evil?” The question, “How do we overcome evil?”, is a great way to frame the question of “peace,” … Continue reading

Posted in M Bock, Opinion | 1 Comment