Category Archives: Special Reports

What Best Describes The American System: Democracy, Republic, Oligarchy, Plutocracy or Theocracy?

Gerry Myers in her post — What is America? A Republic? A Democracy? An Oligarchy? A Plutocracy? A Theocracy? — says America is not a democracy and not a republic either. She writes:   “A Republic is a form of government … Continue reading

Posted in Special Reports | 1 Comment

To Transform Its “Political Boss” Structure, The Ohio Democratic Party Needs A New Constitution 

This morning I made the comment below on a two month old article posted on Plunderbund.  This builds on my post yesterday addressed to David Pepper, ODP Chairman and Nina Turner, ODP Leadership Team Chair : Invite All Ohio Democrats Too … Continue reading

Posted in Special Reports | 1 Comment

Note To David Pepper: Go For the Big Win — Invite All Ohio Democrats To Become Voting Members Of The ODP

To: David Pepper, ODP Chairman and Nina Turner, ODP Leadership Team Chair: Congratulations on being selected as leaders of the Ohio Democratic Party.  Thanks for producing your document: “Turning The Tide: Our Vision.” It gives Democrats a lot to think about. I … Continue reading

Posted in Special Reports | 2 Comments