Monthly Archives: August 2008

Ross Perot Warns About Dangers of National Debt

In his run for the presidency in 1992, Ross Perot became famous for his use of charts and graphs. In that race Perot spent over $64 million of his own money on a campaign that featured Perot explaining the economy … Continue reading

Posted in Local/Metro | 1 Comment

The Newer Deal: How Democrats Can Create a Supermajority, and, “Win Big In 2010 And Beyond”

An interesting article in Salon, by Michael Lind, tells, “How Democrats can win big in 2010 and beyond — by doing the opposite of what they’re doing now.” Prior to 1968, Lind says, the two party system consisted of the … Continue reading

Posted in Special Reports | 3 Comments

For Congressman Mike Turner, “Pork Has Been a Family Affair” — Mother Jones

The latest issue of Mother Jones tells that Congressman Mike Turner “has declared himself to be a pork buster” and that he is sponsoring legislation to prohibit House and Senate members from using earmarks as a “backdoor” means to get … Continue reading

Posted in Special Reports | 11 Comments