Monthly Archives: October 2008

Joe Biden Urges Dayton Democrats To Double Efforts These Next Four Days

It was a good rally I attended the Joe Biden rally today in Kettering, only a few blocks from my home, at the local high school in the same arena that hosted John McCain just this last Monday. The rally … Continue reading

Posted in Special Reports | 6 Comments

The DDN Misses The Big Picture, Its Reasons To Support Congressman Turner Are Nonsense

In its editorial today, The Dayton Daily News descends into a gibberish that is truly nonsense. The DDN opines that Republican Congressman Mike Turner should be reelected, because, “judged on non ideological, nonpartisan grounds, he has earned reelection.” Earned reelection? … Continue reading

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McCain, In 2003, Praised Coming War With Iraq As Adding To Our “Glorious History”

While Barack Obama was opposing the coming Iraq War, John McCain was praising the coming war as adding to the “glorious history of the United States” of liberating oppressed people. Thanks to the wonders of You-tube, history is preserved for … Continue reading

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