Monthly Archives: April 2018

Ohio’s Medicaid Expansion Has Provided 700,000 Citizens Good Insurance And Has Made A Big Positive Impact On Recipients

In 2014, Ohio opted into the Medicaid Expansion made available to states through the Affordable Care Act. By May 2016, a total of 702,000 individuals were eligible for and received Medicaid coverage made possible by this Expansion. In 2016, at … Continue reading

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The Ohio Assembly Has Mandated Work Requirement For Medicaid — Research Shows This Is A Bad Idea

Interesting report from Policy Matters Ohio concludes that mandating work requirements for Medicaid enrollees would drive down health coverage in Ohio and would be contrary to Medicaid’s stated goals. Policy Matters says: “Rigid work requirements would not meaningfully improve work … Continue reading

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In Montgomery County, Improving Voter Turnout In Strong Democratic Precincts Is Huge Challenge For MCDP

Low voter turn-out in strong Democratic precincts is an on-going challenge for the Montgomery County Democratic Party. The graph shows the percentage voter turnout in the Top 75 Democratic Precincts, the Top 75 Republican Districts, and the county as a … Continue reading

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