Monthly Archives: January 2011

Obama Got It Wrong — Realizing The American Dream Requires More Democracy, Not More Technology

In the face of 9 percent unemployment, a diminishing middle class and more Americans than ever below the poverty line, it was surprising that the President Obama in his State of the Union Speech spoke of the American Dream and … Continue reading

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Progressives’ Wrong Ideas About Human Reasoning Defeats Their Efforts — George Lakoff

This snowy morning I watched an interesting lecture given by George Lakoff on ForaTV. This lecture (embedded below) makes me want to know more about Lackoff’s thinking, and so I am going to get one of his books:  “The Political … Continue reading

Posted in Special Reports | 3 Comments

In Tucson Speech, Obama Flirted With Demagoguery — By Suggesting Evil Is To Blame

President Obama, in his  Tucson speech, acknowledged that “Much of this process, of debating what might be done to prevent such tragedies in the future, is an essential ingredient in our exercise of self-government.” But the main thrust of the … Continue reading

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