Monthly Archives: August 2016

How Can The Best Future For Kettering Schools Be Defined and Accomplished?

I’m thinking there is a public in Kettering that would support and participate in an in-depth analysis concerning Kettering’s system of public education — its present state, its possible futures. My plan is to prepare an outline for a ten … Continue reading

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Ten Week Study Planned, Open To Public, To Create Proposal / Plan Showing The Future Of The Kettering School System

I recently made a suggestion to my niece that she tackle this question as a project in her graduate school class:  “What is the best future for public education and how can this future be accomplished?” I also sent my niece … Continue reading

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The Two Obstacles That Keep Democrats From Being Elected To Ohio’s Statehouse

Joe Colvin recently responded to a post now over two years old, asking why the local Democratic party fails election after election to elect Democrats to the statehouse.  Joe, I see two big obstacles that block Democrats from being elected to … Continue reading

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