Monthly Archives: November 2008

Congressman John Conyer Explains HR676 — A Plan For Universal Single Payer Health Plan

John Conyer, Democartic congressman from Michigan, is proposing in HR 676 that congress approve a universal single payer health care plan. Conyers says 47 million Americans have no health insurance and that health care should be considered a human right, … Continue reading

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Ralph Nader: If Barack Obama Is Serious About Palestinian Peace, He Should Apologize To Jimmy Carter

Ralph Nader says Barack Obama has a great opportunity to facilitate peace between the Palestinians and Israel.  In order to get the process moving, Nader is urging Obama, on behalf of the Democratic Party, to offer a public apology to … Continue reading

Posted in M Bock, Opinion | 6 Comments

Intelligence Report “Global Trends 2025” Says Leadership Is Key For World To Meet Dangerous Future

The National Intelligence Council (NIC) this month released a report, “Global Trends 2025: A Transformed World.”   This report looks at the next 17 years, and sees a potentially very dangerous world, “more fragmented and conflicted,” with huge population increases and … Continue reading

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