Monthly Archives: January 2008

Why Republicans Eventually Will Reject McCain

John McCann seems to be gaining ground in the Republican primary race, but eventually, I believe, his comments about Iraq will torpedo his candidacy. Eventually, I believe, Republican primary voters will reject McCain. McCain says that even at the time … Continue reading

Posted in M Bock | 26 Comments

Montgomery County Democrats Endorse Mitakidas as Candidate for 3rd Congressional Seat

The Montgomery County Democratic Party met last night and voted to endorse Jane Mitakidas as the Democratic Primary Candidate for the 3rd U.S. Congressional District to oppose the incumbent Republican, Mike Turner. David Esrati and Charles Sanders are also Democratic … Continue reading

Posted in Local/Metro | 1 Comment

Krugman Says Stimulus Plan Is a Lemon — Democrats Allowed Themselves To Be Bullied

Paul Krugman writing in the New York Times about the new stimulus package says that Congressional Democrats have “allowed themselves to be bullied into doing things the Bush administration’s way.” He says the stimulus plan “looks like a lemon” because … Continue reading

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