Monthly Archives: December 2007

Note to Iowa Democrats: Pleeeeease, Not Hillary

Iowa Democrats, if you are thinking of voting for Hillary, in part, I understand. You are thrilled at the thought of advancing a talented and perceptive woman to the nation’s highest office. I like that thought too. And, if Hillary’s … Continue reading

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Senior Qaeda Theologian Urges His Followers To End Their Jihad

The New York Sun reports that, “one of Al Qaeda’s senior theologians is calling on his followers to end their military jihad and saying the attacks of September 11, 2001, were a ‘catastrophe for all Muslims.’” The article says that … Continue reading

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Historic Opportunity for Progressive Realignment Needs Small-d Democratic Movement

The Nation magazine says the 2008 election presents a historic opportunity to start a progressive realignment in U.S. politics. It calls for a progressive “broadly based small-d democratic movement.” The magazine in its recent editorial says, “There is ferment in … Continue reading

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