Monthly Archives: January 2010

The Failure To Reform Health Care Is Another Reminder Of Who Is In Control — The Party Of Money

In Washington, the State of the Union projected an elaborate show — a conclave of the powerful, acting out an impressive ceremony. From the POV of an anthropologist — say, from the planet Xenon — I’m wondering: What is fair … Continue reading

Posted in M Bock, Opinion, Special Reports | Leave a comment

Robert Reich Says President Obama’s Three Year Budget Freeze Is A Bad Idea — It Will Hurt The Middle Class

Robert Reich says that President Obama three year budget freeze proposal is a move exactly opposite of what is needed. Reich asks, “Is the president panicking?” Reich says, “Obama’s three-year freeze on a large portion of discretionary spending will make … Continue reading

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Deadline Nears For Montgomery County Democrats To Become Delegates For Meeting To Reorganize MCDP

This last fall, when I sought election to Kettering’s Board of Education, I started a new web-site called I’ve posted the following article on, and I am copying it here. Any Democrat seeking to become meaningfully involved in … Continue reading

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