Monthly Archives: October 2014

Ed FitzGerald At Dayton Town Hall: “How Can Common People Understand Complex Issues?”

Enjoyed attending the Dayton “Town Hall” meeting last night with Democratic candidates for governor and lieutenant governor— Ed FitzGerald and Sharen Neuhardt.FitzGerald denounced his opponent, Republican Governor John Kasich, for his refusal to debate. He said that this refusal rests … Continue reading

Posted in Local/Metro, Special Reports | 2 Comments

How Josh Mandel, “Misused The Treasurer’s Office In Exchange For $100,000 From A Crooked Businessman”

In Ohio’s State Treasurer’s contest the Democratic challenger, Connie Pillich, has a tough ad accusing the incumbent, Republican Josh Mandel, of “misusing the treasurer’s office in exchange for $100,000 from a crooked businessman.” The businessman in question is Ben Suarez, … Continue reading

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Outrageous Republican Ad Smears Dee Gillis With Outright Lies — Where Is The Public Backlash?

I loved The Sunday DDN article written by Laura A. Bischoff and Lynn Hulsey — Law’s limbo means gloves off in hot race — about the outrageous lies told by the Republicans in the contest for the Ohio Senate’s fifth district. Four … Continue reading

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