Monthly Archives: May 2009

Kettering School Board Members Failed In Their Responsibility To Be Guardians Of “Local Control”

In response to my post, I’m Debating: Should I File a Complaint With Election Commission Against Kettering’s School Superintendent?, Eric and Rick made comments. Eric wrote, “It’s not too late to decide that bigger problems demand your attention and simply … Continue reading

Posted in Special Reports | 15 Comments

Remembering My Northridge Friend, Guy La Pointe, Awarded The Congressional Medal Of Honor

This Memorial Day, I am thinking, with a well of unexpected emotion, of my Northridge friend, Guy La Pointe. Guy has been gone now for almost 40 years, killed in Vietnam on June 2, 1969. Guy lived just up the … Continue reading

Posted in Special Reports | 3 Comments

I’m Debating: Should I File a Complaint With Election Commission Against Kettering’s School Superintendent?

The DDN reports that the Superintendent of Kettering Schools, Robert Mengerink, has accepted a new position as leader of the largest educational center in the state and is moving to Cuyahoga County. Wow. I keep wondering if I should file … Continue reading

Posted in M Bock, Opinion | 5 Comments