Monthly Archives: February 2012

“Fracking: Facts and Fears” — Dayton LWV Sponsors Community Discussion Feb 29th

The League of Women Voters, GDA, is presenting a community discussion on Fracking: Facts and Fears, on Wednesday, February 29th, 7:00 p.m. Keller Hall, UD School of Law. Is Fracking Ohio’s gold rush, a disaster waiting to happen or something … Continue reading

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Montgomery County Democrats Come Out In Force For Pizza Bash — To Support Karl Keith’s Fundraiser

Big crowd last night at the Montgomery County Democratic Party Headquarters on Wilkenson Street as area Democrats came out to eat pizza to support Karl Keith’s fundraiser. Karl is the county auditor. It looked like every Democratic candidate and Democratic … Continue reading

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Quinnipiac Poll Shows 52% of Ohio Independent Voters Disapprove Of The Work Of Republican State Assembly

The Ohio Assembly is completely dominated by Republicans and so Republicans seeking re-election to the Assembly should be alerted by a recent Quinnipiac University poll that a lot of Ohioans think they’ve been doing a bad job. The poll shows … Continue reading

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