Monthly Archives: September 2020

Republican Candidate, Niraj Antani, Wants The Ohio Senate To Prohibit Any Restrictions On 2nd Amendment “Rights”

In yesterday’s Dayton Daily News front page article on the contest for Ohio Senate District 06, Republican candidate Niraj Antani stuck to his guns, repeating three times: “I do not support any bill that increases restrictions on the Second Amendment … Continue reading

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Democrats Seeking Election In Republican Districts Should Show A Plan For Transparency, Citizen Engagement

In 1994, Newt Gingrich got Republican candidates to agree to support a “Contract With America” — promising that, if elected, they would to take action on specific legislation. This Contract nationalized the election and is credited with the Republican’s big … Continue reading

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To Flip Republican Districts, Democratic Candidates For Ohio Assembly Should Offer A “Contract With Voters”

In 1994, Newt Gingrich got Republican candidates to agree to support a “Contract With America” — promising that, if elected, they would to take action on specific legislation. This Contract nationalized the election and is credited with the Republican’s big … Continue reading

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