Monthly Archives: January 2019

Will The MCDP Learn From The Winburn / Harris Contest And Choose The Strongest Candidate — Not The Strongest Insider?

In 2008, Democrats controlled two Montgomery County House Districts, OHD-39 and OHD-40. After redistricting in 2012, OHD-40 became OHD-43, with lots of Republicans added from Prebble County. The Democrats retained two districts for one more House term. But in 2014, … Continue reading

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Following The January MCDP Meeting — Suggestions for Kurt Hatcher, New MCDP Executive Director

Mark Owens, MCDP Chairperson, has named Kurt Hatcher to be the new MCDP Executive Director. This is a paid position, but is not full time. Kurt is replacing Sarah Greathouse. Kurt was the campaign manager for Scott Dickerson in the … Continue reading

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The Big Hairy Audacious Goal that The Montgomery County Democratic Party Should Focus On: “We Choose To BE BEST”

I keep coming back to this — Thank you Donald Trump — I’m gripped by the conviction that we are in desperate need of a strong Democratic Party. We need a sense of urgency that maintaining the Democratic Party status … Continue reading

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