Monthly Archives: September 2011

Kettering Treasurer Says Local Cost Of Voucher Plan, HB136, Is $2.5+ Million Yearly — 2+ Mills Of New Taxes

Kettering School Treasurer, Steve Clark, estimates that, if Ohio House Bill 136 is approved, Kettering Schools will lose at least $2.5 million in state funding and, in order to recoup this lost revenue, the school district eventually will need an … Continue reading

Posted in Special Reports | 4 Comments

Ohio’s Proposed Voucher Law HB136 — Should Tax Money Be Used To Fund Religious Education?

Ohio’s Republican dominated Assembly seems intent on raising the ante concerning privatization of public education. The Education Committee of the Ohio House has approved radical legislation, HB136, that, if ratified by the Ohio Assembly, would greatly expand the current state … Continue reading

Posted in Special Reports | 3 Comments

Study Shows How A Well Funded “Islamophobia Network” Works To Spread Fear And Hatred

A 130 page study, Fear, Inc.: The Roots of the Islamophobia Network in America, tells about the “Islamophobia echo chamber” — a well financed network of bigots — and how this influential group acts as a relentless propaganda machine, shamelessly … Continue reading

Posted in Special Reports | 4 Comments