Monthly Archives: March 2009

How Much Revenue Would Ohio Gain, If Ohio’s 2005 Tax Reduction Act Was Rescinded For Top Incomes?

I received a prompt reply from Zach Schiller to the e-mail I sent to him yesterday as reported — Question For Policy Matters Ohio, Zach Schiller: Was Tax Data Used In Your DDN Article Incorrect? Schiller had written in a … Continue reading

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Question For Policy Matters Ohio, Zach Schiller: Was Tax Data Used In Your DDN Article Incorrect?

I sent the e-mail below this morning to Zach Schiller of Policy Matters Ohio. Zach Schiller:  I am glad to see that the Dayton Daily News published your article “Ohio Needs Revenue It’s Lost Since Tax Cuts 4 Years Ago,” … Continue reading

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Maira Kalman Illustrates “So Moved,” Her Insight On The Essence Of Democracy

I noticed in the NYT this morning this interesting headline: “Illustrator Maira Kalman observes, as Tocqueville did, the essence of democracy.” Wow. What a treat. Kalman evidently has recently visited a New England town hall meeting and the visit inspired … Continue reading

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