Noam Chomsky, the 81 year old activist and intellectual, has released a statement condemning Israel’s attack on the Gaza flotilla that resulted in the death of nine peace activists. Chomsky writes, “Israel assumes that it can carry out such crimes with impunity because the US tolerates them and Europe generally follows the US lead.”
Recently Israel refused to allow Chomsky to enter the West Bank from Jordan. According this this NYT article, the barring of Chomsky from the West Bank caused “a fierce debate broke out in Israel about how a country that frequently asserts its status as a robust democracy could keep out people whose views it found offensive.”
In his article, Chomsky urges an end to the siege of Gaza and writes, “The siege is savage and cruel, designed to keep the caged animals barely alive so as to fend off international protest, but hardly more than that. It is the latest stage of long-standing Israeli plans, backed by the US, to separate Gaza from the West Bank.”
Chomsky’s comments, as recorded at Common Dreams:
Hijacking boats in international waters and killing passengers is, of course, a serious crime. The editors of the London Guardian are quite right to say that “If an armed group of Somali pirates had yesterday boarded six vessels on the high seas, killing at least 10 passengers and injuring many more, a Nato taskforce would today be heading for the Somali coast.” It is worth bearing in mind that the crime is nothing new.
For decades, Israel has been hijacking boats in international waters between Cyprus and Lebanon, killing or kidnapping passengers, sometimes bringing them to prisons in Israel including secret prison/torture chambers, sometimes holding them as hostages for many years.
Israel assumes that it can carry out such crimes with impunity because the US tolerates them and Europe generally follows the US lead.
Much the same is true of Israel’s pretext for its latest crime: that the Freedom Flotilla was bringing materials that could be used for bunkers for rockets. Putting aside the absurdity, if Israel were interested in stopping Hamas rockets it knows exactly how to proceed: accept Hamas offers for a cease-fire. In June 2008, Israel and Hamas reached a cease-fire agreement. The Israeli government formally acknowledges that until Israel broke the agreeement on November 4, invading Gaza and killing half a dozen Hamas activists, Hamas did not fire a single rocket. Hamas offered to renew the cease-fire. The Israeli cabinet considered the offer and rejected it, preferring to launch its murderous and destructive Operation Cast Lead on December 27. Evidently, there is no justification for the use of force “in self-defense” unless peaceful means have been exhausted. In this case they were not even tried, although—or perhaps because—there was every reason to suppose that they would succeed. Operation Cast Lead is therefore sheer criminal aggression, with no credible pretext, and the same is true of Israel’s current resort to force.The siege of Gaza itself does not have the slightest credible pretext. It was imposed by the US and Israel in January 2006 to punish Palestinians because they voted “the wrong way” in a free election, and it was sharply intensified in July 2007 when Hamas blocked a US-Israeli attempt to overthrow the elected government in a military coup, installing Fatah strongman Muhammad Dahlan. The siege is savage and cruel, designed to keep the caged animals barely alive so as to fend off international protest, but hardly more than that. It is the latest stage of long-standing Israeli plans, backed by the US, to separate Gaza from the West Bank.
These are only the bare outlines of very ugly policies, in which Egypt is complicit as well.
No comments? I’m sure many people reading these articles about Israel’s criminal actions are outraged and appalled. Yet everyone is strangely silent. Calling a criminal act by Israel a criminal act is not a anti-semitic statement. Yet it seems anyone in the public eye who openly declares this, is being labeled a ‘jew-hater’.
Like Helen Thomas, a long-standing political journalist who was forced to hang up her career hat over her personal and honest remarks. The article in DaytonOS highlights that Thomas has made more than a few ‘provocative’ comments in her long tenure. None of her previous comments had forced her to resign, but this time she did the unspeakable: make honest comments about Israel while living in the USA.
Her apology and subsequent resignation sent an unmistakable message to journalists and anyone in the media. Say anything negative about Israel, and it could be the last thing you say publicly. Many commentators on US news sites are (not-so) surprisingly supporting Israel’s actions. You have to go overseas to hear what people really think about the incident, which almost universally condemn Israel’s actions. On the BBC website, you can find honest, un (self) censored remarks:
“In view of this international piracy on the high seas, where are the UK and USA leaders condemning these murders?”
“If Iran did this, the war drums would be singing out loud all around our ears by now. What do we get when Israel does? A sickening silence…”
“The Israeli Government know that they can break any laws they like because the USA will always veto any sanctions against them at the UN Security Council. The Zionist lobby is so strong in the US that no president can stand up to it, including Obama.”
“The answer to this outrageous act by Israel, is for the USA (which funds it) to withdraw all financial and military aid. That would soon sort the ongoing problem out. But we all know that the USA has not got the guts to do that – it hasn’t acted in response to previous atrocities and it will be no different either this time nor the next. In effect the USA is the second state of Israel.”
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