Michael Moore Says To Reform Our Rigged Political System We Must “Start A Movement”

At the Young Turks is posted the transcript of a recent interview with Michael Moore.

Moore is predicting a financial crash. He says, compared to what happened in 2008, “We’re in for a much, much worse time. That’s how I honestly feel.”

And Moore reminds anyone who doubts his prediction power that he has made other predictions that proved to be true. He says, “I’m only the guy who said that there weren’t going to be any weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and that we were being lied to.  And I’m the guy who 20 years ago made his first film saying that General Motors was a piece of crap company that was going to slide down the hill and bring us all down with it.”

Moore says our economic system is fundamentally flawed — “because I don’t think that in the 21st century the big decisions that need to be made should be based on profit.  They should be based on what we need as a society and what the world needs.”

And Moore says the system is rigged — “It’s rigged against the working person, and I just think that until we decide that we have to get away from that and into a more democratic economy–in other words, economic decisions that are made by our elected representatives as opposed to Wall Street, the banks, the Fed, etc., etc.”

The only hope Moore sees is to “Remove money from politics.”

He says, “We would have to start a movement where people will be running for Congress and for Senate and signing a pledge that states that they will not accept in their first run for election more than $25 or $50 from a person.  And after that, when they get in there, their number one priority is to remove funding of our elections from individuals who have the most money, and have it be federally funded like it is in most democracies.”

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