No Accountability / Transparency For $1 Billion In HB1 Makes Ohio “Rife For Corruption And Scandal” — Dems Say

Interesting debate today in the Ohio House concerning HB No. 1, was shown live on the Ohio Channel. This controversial “Jobs Bill” is Republican Governor John Kasich’s landmark legislation that, if approved, will authorize him, through a board he will appoint, to spend $1 billion to incentivize job creation in Ohio.

It is heartening to see a representative assembly where everyone is given a chance to speak in depth. I was glad to see that, although, according to Roberts’ Rules, the Republicans have the votes to stop debate whenever they choose, the Democratic minority was given complete freedom in this HB1 debate to speak and to offer amendments.

I was impressed that our representatives, Democrats and Republicans, made thoughtful speeches, many delivered from a carefully prepared statement, in a polite and respectful setting. I hope a transcript is available. It delineates two very different points of view that deserve careful inspection and analysis.

Democrats attempted to make amendment after amendment to the bill — variously seeking to make the spending of this $1 billion more transparent and the governor and his business council more accountable to the citizens of Ohio.  Each of these amendments were defeated, again and again, by 38 Yes to 58 No.

One Democrat chided his Republican colleagues that in supporting HB 1, they were throwing their principles overboard — just as years ago tea was thrown overboard — by pushing a bill that, amazingly, pushes “taxation without representation.” He said Kasich obviously doesn’t want to be a governor in a democracy, because democracy requires transparency and accountability.  He said, Kasich apparently wants to be a king, empowered to work in secrecy and to spend the public’s money with no accountability.

A Republican’s response was to read the definition of the word, “hyperbole” — an obvious exaggeration.

Other Democrats complained that this legislation is missing many good government features, and fails to protect “the public interest.” One Democrat said that the secrecy and lack of accountability that HB 1 codifies into law will make Ohio “rife for another scandal that will make ‘Coingate’ look like chumpchange.”

Part of the Republican spiel is that “Government should move at the speed of business.” Democrats said they feared that Ohio would be inflicted with the speed of Enron, the rapid destruction of AIG,  and the quick descent of Ernie Madoff.

I cannot seem to find much interest concerning HB 1.  Plunderbund says, “The sheer concentration of power for the Governor at the expense of the legislature is breathtaking.  Public record laws dictated by private contracts signed between the Governor’s political appointees subject (pending a floor amendment) to only Controlling Board review.  The Senate will have no right to exercise any advise and consent confirmation powers to the appointments the Governor will make the Board. … JobsOhio will costs more than the 3C (Railroad).  It contains thornier and more broader policy issues than a simple train.  It also has less planning than the 3C.  So why is it getting less scrutiny?”

And a libertarian writer at Yarblog, responds:  “I thought Ohio gave the G.O.P. power because government was too big and not transparent?  What about Obama buying an equity stake in GM and Chrysler?  At least these were specific investments we could debate.  JobsOhio is more like SlushOhio — a slush fund to be doled out in secret meetings by people specifically exempted from laws governing public employees. I can’t believe I’m applauding a Democrat on a fiscal/jobs issue.  Hester (at Plunderbund) is exactly correct. Democrats offered amendments that would limit campaign contributions and incentives that are obviously a conflict of interest.  These are reasonable checks on power and they were denied.”

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One Response to No Accountability / Transparency For $1 Billion In HB1 Makes Ohio “Rife For Corruption And Scandal” — Dems Say

  1. Rick says:

    I concur. It sounds like a boondogle.

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