According to the Dayton Daily News, a specially scheduled Democratic Primary will be held in mid-July to choose a Democratic candidate to challenge incumbent Republican Mike Turner to represent Ohio’s 3rd Congressional District. The newspaper reports that the Democrat chosen in the May 4 Democratic Primary, Dr. Mark MacNealy, has withdrawn from the race, mysteriously citing “a change in circumstance.”
MacNealy was the only Democratic candidate on the May 4 ballot. I helped Dr. Mark in his last minute petition effort and got a number of signatures for his petition from my neighbors in Kettering. Now, his sudden withdrawal comes as a surprise. When I last spoke with him, maybe ten days ago, he gave no indication that he was thinking of quitting the race.
David Esrati in his web-site reports that MacNealy’s campaign manager, Joe Roberts, has announced his intention to seek the Democratic nomination in the special July primary.
Esrati attempted to have his name on the May 4 Democratic Primary ballot, but his petitions were rejected by the Board of Elections because of his error in failing to sign and date his petitions properly. So now, he has a second chance.
Esrati writes, “My initial reaction is to turn in petitions with the correct date for this primary- however, fundraising isn’t even a remote possibility to go head-to-head with Turner, and I can think of better things for people to spend their money on than a campaign- like hiring people in OH-3. What are your thoughts?”
According to Open Secrets, Dr. Mark has raised $10,605 for his campaign, and Turner has raised $461,950.
Any Democrat who wants to run for congress, and challenge incumbent Mike Turner in the November election, only needs fifty signatures, and a few dollars for the filing fee, in order to get his or her name on the ballot for the Special July Democratic Primary. The deadline for filing will be sometime in mid June.
I’ve declared my candidacy for OH-3 and begun collecting signatures:
Video of actual voters signing petitions will be posted to the site daily.
According to Steve Harsman, Director of the Montgomery County BOE the election will be July 13, and the turn in date either the 15th of June or the 8th.
I have a pdf of the petition posted as well- to make it easy for any Democrat who thinks they can make Mike Turner at least break out in a cold sweat- available.
If you’ve not witnessed what happens to Turner when I’m in the room- it’s worth the price of admission.