In January, DaytonOS had 11,811 visits to the site and from those visits had 29,698 hits on specific articles. On average, there were 381 visits to the site each day and 958 hits on specific articles each day. The web-site Technorati give DaytonOS a rank of 262,866
It’s been interesting to watch daily ad revenue from the Google ads that I started last October. On some days ad revenue is zero or just a few cents, and then, for reasons I can’t fathom, some days it is much more. We hit the ad jackpot on Monday, January 26 — on that one day had ad revenue of $3.99. Our total ad revenue for January was exactly $21.00, an average of about 68 cents each day.
I’m thrilled that DaytonOS is earning $21 a month, but, wouldn’t it be great if DaytonOS could earn $2100 each month? With sufficient revenue, we could pay authors to research and write articles that would attract even more interest, and, of course, such articles would increase traffic and increase ad revenue. Obviously, content drives viewership. If DaytonOS could increase traffic to the 40,000 or so visitors each day we’d have revenue sufficient to maintain that level of traffic. If we had the content, we would have the traffic. And if we had the traffic we could generate self sustaining revenue. How to get the ball rolling is the question.
During the month, 39 visitors checked out our About page. The stated purpose of DaytonOS is twofold:
- to organize, facilitate, encourage, and promote nonpartisan educational efforts with the purpose of educating the public and positively engaging the public in meaningful discussions concerning important issues of our day
- to build authentic democracy throughout the Miami Valley
If DaytonOS could create vigorous actions that would advance such goals, and capture such action on this web-site, we would, over time, create a large enough community that could become self perpetuating. I am working on a strategy.
My thought is that DaytonOS should become a community of thoughtful individuals in the Miami Valley. Right now, it appears that most of the 381 visitors each day come from outside the Miami Valley and are attracted to DaytonOS via web searches of specific topics. We have a few DaytonOS regulars, thankfully, who often make comments and add a lot to the site. I’d love to be able to see in a typical day just exactly who visits DaytonOS and what exactly brings each person here.
DaytonOS syndicates three web-sites: Esrati, Daytonology , and Kurt’s NIghtmare. So almost all of the articles posted on DaytonOS, right now, are from the writers of the three syndicated blogs and me. I’m wondering if there are other Dayton area web-sites, particularly, similar to these, that would like to be syndicated on DaytonOS? Let me know:
Our ABOUT page welcomes individuals to contribute articles and, I am happy that this month Victor Harris contributed an article. I would like to find a way to encourage more individual participation. This thought brings me back to the ad revenue paradox I mentioned above.
In January, visitors to DaytonOS hit on over 400 articles. Here are the top tier articles, in descending order, and showing the date the article originally was posted.
- This Just In: Barack Obama Will Be The 43rd President, Not The 44th (January 19, 2009)
- Dan Lipsky involved in consumer fraud? (June 9, 2008)
- Ohio’s Overcrowded Prisons Have Record Number Of Inmates, Yet Face Budget Cuts (December 29, 2008)
- Bill Moyers Accuses Israel Of “State Terrorism” In Its Conduct Of Gazan War (January 11, 2009)
- Doug Franklin Moves to Community Better Suited to the Size of His Head (March 7, 2008)
- Rick Warren’s Inaugural Prayer Was: Too Long, Too Doctrinal, And Too Protestant (January 21, 2009)
- Does your kid need braces? For FREE!? (July 7, 2008)
- Residency issue to go to Ohio Supreme Court (January 17, 2009)
- Throwing Money At Public Education Is Not The Answer, System Change Is Needed (January 14, 2009)
- Beautiful new species found in Mozambique (December 25, 2008)
- Governor Strickland Offers Five Point Plan To “Build Ohio’s Education System Anew” (January 28, 2009)
- Montgomery County Jail Computer SNAFU stops visits (November 20, 2007)
- Robert Reich Estimates True Unemployment Rate Is 11%; Urges Passage Of Huge Stimulus Package (December 5, 2008)
- Dreams not allowed in Dayton unless you’re rich. (January 22, 2009)
- Adelite Avenue: Mapping the Nuisance Properties (January 13, 2009)
- Report On Gazan War — ABC News With George Stephanopoulos — Was A Shameful Disgrace (January 6, 2009)
- Governor Strickland In “Education Forum” Discusses Six Principles To Guide Ohio’s Education Reform (July 31, 2008)
- Three Actions Bring President Barack Obama’s Credibility And Integrity Into Question (January 26, 2009)
- A Great Question: How Can We Tell If a School Is Excellent? (November 2, 2007)
- Obama Seeks To Be Transformative: Highlights Of His Inaugural Speech (January 21, 2009)
- Dayton Public Schools to hire Cleveland firm on a no-bid for PR (January 7, 2009)
- Victor Harris Says That George Bush In His Farewell Speech Unwittingly Admitted Many Failures (January 18, 2009)
- Joseph Stiglitz Says Anti-Regulation Ideology Caused Financial Meltdown (December 11, 2008)
- Land Contract vs. Rent to Own (October 14, 2008)
- Why Caroline Kennedy Is Highly Qualified To Be An Excellent US Senator (January 9, 2009)
- Organized Opposition Contributed to Centerville’s School Levy Defeat (November 10, 2008)
- A gay-bashing downtown (January 8, 2009)
- Jon Husted: Go to jail, go directly to jail, do not pass go (January 21, 2009)
- Payback, Parachute or Patronage? Husted rehired by Dayton chamber (January 31, 2009)
- Congressman Mike Turner’s Failure To Explain His “No” Vote Is More Evidence Our Democracy Is In Deep Trouble (January 29, 2009)
- It’s A Big Mistake For Obama To Excuse Timothy Geithner’s IRS Failure As “Innocent” (January 19, 2009)
These are the articles that visitors to DaytonOS hit on in January, showing title and number of hits) in descending order.
- This Just In: Barack Obama Will Be The 294
- Dan Lipsky involved in consumer fraud? 255
- Ohio\’s Overcrowded Prisons Have Record 247
- Bill Moyers Accuses Israel Of “State T 155
- Doug Franklin Moves to Community Better 104
- Rick Warren\’s Inaugural Prayer Was: To 95
- Does your kid need braces? For FREE!? 84
- Residency issue to go to Ohio Supreme Co 81
- Throwing Money At Public Education Is No 80
- beautiful new species found in Mozambiqu 79
- Archives 75
- PACKED Nutter Center Cheers on Sarah Pal 73
- Governor Strickland Offers Five Point Pl 72
- Montgomery County Jail Computer SNAFU st 68
- Robert Reich Estimates True Unemployment 64
- Dreams not allowed in Dayton unless you 64
- Adelite Avenue: Mapping the Nuisance Pro 55
- Report On Gazan War — ABC News With Geo 53
- Governor Strickland In “Education Foru 51
- Three Actions Bring President Barack Oba 49
- A Great Question: How Can We Tell If a 49
- Obama Seeks To Be Transformative: Highl 48
- Dayton Public Schools to hire Cleveland 44
- Victor Harris Says That George Bush In H 43
- Joseph Stiglitz Says Anti-Regulation Ide 43
- Land Contract vs. Rent to Own 43
- Why Caroline Kennedy Is Highly Qualified 43
- Organized Opposition Contributed to Cent 42
- A gay-bashing downtown 41
- Jon Husted: Go to jail, go directly to j 40
- Payback, Parachute or Patronage? Husted 39
- Congressman Mike Turner\’s Failure To Ex 39
- About 39
- Noted Economist, Satyajit Das, Compares 38
- Paul Krugman Gives Two Reason He Support 37
- It\’s A Big Mistake For Obama To Excuse 35
- The free condom program needs a bailout: 34
- Yet another case for National Health Ins 34
- Grunder Landscape Owner to Host Bush Fun 34
- Congressman Kucinich Condemns Israeli At 30
- Dayton’s Oldest Gay Bar 30
- State Senator Tom Roberts – Ohio’s Estat 30
- What Does Fred Strahorn Do Now? 30
- Robert Reich Decries $350 Billion Waste 29
- Does Qbase Require Employees To Make Cam 29
- Contact 27
- Obama’s Science Adviser, John Holdren 27
- Do the Collapse: Skyscraper Occupancy S 27
- Do not pass go, do not collect $200. 27
- What Obama Should Accomplish In His Firs 27
- Is Sinclair really as affordable as clai 27
- Deepak Chopra’s New Book: “Jesus: A 27
- Moraine After the War 27
- Kettering Businessman Asks: \”Are You Re 26
- Religion, Wright-Pattererson, and an Acc 26
- Rancho Del Paso 26
- City of Johns 26
- Media Matters Urges Its Readers To Prote 26
- Nouriel Roubini, Prescient Economist Kno 25
- Interest on National Debt Is Consuming T 25
- How to solve the financial crisis- what 25
- When it comes to giveaways, Dayton Daily 24
- New plans to be unveiled for Wayne & 24
- Am I Dayton’s non-gay version of Harve 24
- Downtown South of Third: Economic Death 24
- Dayton Daily News asks “Why does DPS n 22
- World War II Emergency Housing: Dayton/ 22
- Sidwell Friends School Nurtures Love Of 22
- Ohio Budget Expert, Richard Sheridan: 21
- Barack Obama’s “Go To The Moon” Ch 21
- OH 7th Dave Hobson to Retire 21
- Iraqi Shoe Thrower Should Get Significan 21
- Moraine City in the early Frigidaire Era 21
- Paul Krugman: “Ugly Financial Crisis Wi 20
- The first people who should be unemploye 19
- Austin Pike: Where is the Dayton City Co 19
- Wilmington Should be Shut Down and Retur 19
- There is good PR, there is logic, and th 19
- Bulk Head Doors 19
- James K. Galbraith Says Social Security 19
- Open letter to Clay Mathile 19
- Downtown’s finally getting bigger. 19
- John Goodlad Says Public Must Agree On 19
- Friday night Beer event: South Park Tave 19
- Don’t Believe Dayton Development Coaliti 18
- Dayton Public Schools: Dead Last 18
- Milk, Esrati, and Urban Politics 18
- Joe Klein Says Bush’s Decision To Appr 17
- Miracles 17
- Passing the buck, when you don’t have 17
- Front Lawn Folk Art: A Dayton Thang 17
- Racism Alive and Well in Oakwood 17
- Dayton Development Coalition Spends Mill 17
- The Center for Progressive Leadership Is 17
- How much do 3 stitches cost? 17
- Montgomery County’s $77 Million Boondogg 16
- Lesbians, Gays, Economic Development 16
- Please define the word “public” – DP 16
- Crime & Poverty in Early Depression 16
- Mike Ervin Steps uP on Oregon District 16
- 60 Years Ago: The Great Univis Strike of 16
- Governor Strickland Fails To Explain Imp 16
- Downtown South of Third: Two Postwar Sky 15
- Mortgage Forgiveness Debt Relief Bill 15
- Miami Shores 15
- Coalition’s (Development Research Corpor 15
- 4 Dead in Ohio – Kent State – May 4, 197 15
- RTA Board & ED Move Streetcar Projec 14
- Ohio Supreme Court to Decide on Local Gu 14
- Ross Perot Warns About Dangers of Nation 14
- Paul Krugman Is Disappointed With Obama 14
- A Greater Downtown Dayton: Original Pe 14
- Pat Buchanan Urges Barack Obama To Denou 14
- Twelve Tax Loopholes Ohio Should Close T 13
- ROBERT F KENNEDY:Remarks on the Assassin 13
- How Gerrymandering Defeated An Outstandi 13
- SportsPlex lite is alive in Dayton! 13
- Parking downtown- don’t solve the prob 13
- Fannie And Freddie Not Responsible For H 13
- How the rich get richer in Dayton Ohio: 13
- Time for bankers to work for a living? 12
- Foreclosure? Don’t Move Out! 12
- Is This Church Violating IRS Tax Exempt 12
- To Obama- “shameful” or “Criminal 12
- Laissez Bon Temps Roulez in Louisville 12
- Is Liberty Savings Bank taking liberties 12
- Will Judy Dodge Be Punished For the Acti 12
- “Borrowing $25 Million” to reduce risk o 12
- Lost in Space: Analysing Downtown via t 12
- Documenting Dayton: Another Dayton Plac 12
- Colin Powell’s Over The Top Argument F 12
- Roosevelt High School Demolition 11
- Shame 11
- R.I.P. Helen Wishon 11
- The Industrial Suburb at War: Home Fron 11
- Chris Widener, Republican Senate Candida 11
- A vacant lot is better than a vacant bui 11
- Central State (Collaboration) Awarded 3. 11
- Ohio’s 2005 Tax Reduction Act Was Pred 11
- Can we be fabulous here in Dayton? 11
- Ralph Nader: If Barack Obama Is Serious 11
- Strickland on the right track with educa 10
- Consumer Advocacy Group Files Complaint 10
- Sherrod Brown – The Hill’s 50 Most Beaut 10
- Joe Lacey, And the New Dayton School Boa 10
- Flag Wars, Derelict Houses, and Communit 10
- The Gazan Tragedy: \”Tell Me Sir, What 10
- How many PR agency owners do you know? 10
- Robert Fisk On Obama’s Inaugural Speec 10
- Thought provoking tv spot for… a schoo 10
- Mayor McClin’s DDN Response To Cal Tho 10
- Ohio House OKs ban on skill games 9
- For Congressman Mike Turner, “Pork Has 9
- Why Monotheism Fails 9
- Denial of The Theory of Evolution Brings 9
- Tell Me Once Again: What Does It Mean T 9
- Gov. Strickland’s Education Plan Disap 9
- The dumb things Congressmen think of… 9
- Montgomery County Republicans To Reorgan 9
- test 9
- Senate Report: Torture Started With Bush 9
- Unions Want Obama’s Help In Passing Legi 9
- Newt Gingrich Compares Hamas To Nazis, S 9
- Debbie Lieberman DaytonOS Person of the 9
- Why You Are Not Entitled To Your Opinion 9
- Gaza 8 More stats
- Mmmm mmm Mehaffies Pies! 8
- “We Learned A Terrible Lesson,” Only One 8
- Moraine in the 20s & 30s: The Paper 8
- Ferrucio Bier RIP 8
- Downtown South of Third: Changing Space 8
- Dennis Rediker & Doug Franklin Lie t 8
- Cincinnati Reds Will Play Special Exhibi 8
- Reynolds & Reynolds finally leaves D 8
- Brian Roberts NBA draft live blog 8
- Chief Economic Advisor To Kucinich Decri 8
- New Montgomery County Ohio tax to make t 8
- Jimmy Carter Says Gazan War Was Not Nece 8
- Stephanie Studebaker Sues Father-in-Law 8
- The Rise and Fall of GM at Moraine 8
- Naomi Klein Says Economic Crises Repudia 8
- Barack Obama’s Cult Following 8
- Who Cares? America Will Never Pay Off I 8
- Victor Harris: Surprised That Local Demo 8
- $77 Milliion in Taxpayer Money for Hocke 8
- Clearing Urban Underbrush: South of Thir 8
- Did Sheriff Vore Delay His Retirement An 8
- Oktoberfest 2008 at the Dayton Art Insti 8
- Dayton as Crimetown: Felony Types 1969/ 8
- “A Republic, If You Can Keep it!” (Grass 7
- We Need SMARTER Regulation 7
- Was Hamlet A Thoughtful Person? 7
- Percy Mack takes South Carolina job 7
- Solutions to the Postwar Housing Crisis 7
- Barack Obama is President 7
- Obama Rally Draws Enthusiastic Crowd To 7
- Pretzinger Lane 7
- Every Person In the U.S. Has Borrowed Ab 7
- Ohio’s 2005 Tax Reduction Law Diminish 7
- The Change We Need In Education Is Radic 7
- Happy New Year and Farewell! 7
- Public Schools Need Radical Reform, Educ 7
- Candidates are Certified for March 4 Pri 7
- Presidential Slogans: 2008, the year of 7
- A 21st Century Understanding: The Chris 7
- Shouldn’t How To Increase Wealth, How 7
- See List of Montgomery County Candidate 7
- The Difference Between “Unemployment Rat 7
- Seven Reasons Government Must Invest In 7
- Voter Turn-Out Highest Rate Since Johnso 7
- Kucinich Says $700 Billion Bail Out Shou 6
- Film Dayton Appoints President 6
- More Ludlow Street Rephotography: Downto 6
- If The Ten Commandments Are Displayed In 6
- Leitzell announces bid for Mayor: DDN ig 6
- Kucinich Says Israel’s Attack On Gazan 6
- Consultant Recommends “New Way of Doing 6
- Strickland Calls for Private Developer C 6
- Congressman John Conyer Explains HR676 – 6
- Never mind the sex- what exactly are Ant 6
- Strickland Needs Control of Ohio Departm 6
- Designs on the Arcade Block. 6
- Republican Ohio Assembly Candidates Must 6
- Israel’s Bold Shock And Awe Violence I 6
- Rocking the Rustbelt on Dayton\’s Indust 6
- Film Connections meets at ThinkTV 7-9pm 6
- Senior Citizens BEWARE of Cash Conversio 5
- Kroger Not Changing Gettysburg Plan 5
- Krugman: Housing / Mortgage “Unmitigate 5
- Dayton Coalition – We Think of Everythin 5
- The Hickory Bar-B-Que takes Dominic’s 5
- Dann Scandal Documents 5
- Gotham Chopra Defends His Dad, Deepak, F 5
- Choices: are we the sum of our experienc 5
- Sweet City of My Dreams 5
- Ohio GOP Pushes “Castle Doctrine” 5
- My Karma Ran Over My Dogma 5
- Joe The Plumber Is Going To Israel To Re 5
- Hugh Quill Next State Treasurer? 5
- Kenya Declares National Holiday Tomorrow 5
- As Richard Cooey Faces Execution, Does ” 5
- The Public’s Right to Know 5
- Peace In The World, Or The World In Piec 5
- Daytons\’ persistent crime wave 5
- UpDayton: Good Ideas and Documenting the 5
- Wayne & Wyoming meeting for tonight 5
- Dayton Should Join Cleveland Lawsuit on 5
- Moraine City Section One 5
- Tagging East Dayton 5
- Miami Valley “Regional Planning” Commiss 5
- Is Locus Of Consciousness Outside Of Bod 5
- Should Dayton Adopt Strong Mayor Form of 5
- Grunder – Typical Republican Entrepreneu 4
- Let’s Bring Back Lincoln Douglas Style 4
- Miami U Grad dies days after Taser use b 4
- Phil Donahue’s Iraq War Feature Document 4
- Early Versions of Suburbia: Beavercreek 4
- Let’s Frame the Question of “Achieveme 4
- Lulu Makes It Easy To Self Publish 4
- Not the last lecture. But, some real goo 4
- Building Subsitution on South Ludlow Str 4
- Paul Krugman Says Financial Sector Yearl 4
- Is it time for Dayton to rethink rooming 4
- Third World Reggae Festival 4
- McCain v. Obama 4
- Wilmington Should be Shut Down and Retur 4
- US Census Bureau Releases American Commu 4
- Black History Month: Links to Last Year\ 4
- Does The Rise Of Sarah Palin Illustrate 4
- Husted Lives in “Fantasy Land” 4
- Bigger Houses, Smaller Families 4
- What the Dayton Daily News Editorial boa 4
- Michael Moore Says No Bailout To Detroit 4
- Coming out of the closet 4 More stats
- Downtown: Surviors, Replacements, & 4
- Asian Festival + Asians in Dayton 4
- On (or just off) The Bookshelf 4
- One Nation “Under God”? 4
- Ohio Foreclosure Prevention Task Force R 3
- $600 Environmental Stimulus Grant 3
- A brief history of our Federal debt 3
- Caresource vs the Tissue Center: Downto 3
- Turner votes FOR Foreclosure Prevention 3
- In Montgomery County, Republicans Are Ra 3
- Been Laying Luan on the Bedroom Floor Al 3
- Dayton Rallies for Darfur: Nick Clooney 3
- I Will Vote For These Judges 3
- Become an Ohio Delegate to the Democrati 3
- How Piketon Ohio Became a Potemkin Villa 3
- The Empire Strikes Back: The Ohio Democ 3
- From Creative Economy to Creative Societ 3
- Secrets of living in Dayton: CallCCT for 3
- How do you say “sorry” in Farsi? 3
- Dayton’s $1 Billion Non-profit 3
- Teachers Ask for IRS Review of White Hat 3
- Dayton Daily lies for Obama 3
- Socialism’s Comeback 3
- Digital TV Conversion 3
- Issue 6: Columbus Dispatch Urges “No” V 3
- Obama’s Fraudulent ACORN Campaign 3
- UAW Has Already Made Concessions Needed 3
- John Doll Says: Jon Husted Won’t Live 3
- \”Bipartisanship\” is not the Holy Grail 3
- Outer East Dayton Suburban Genesis 3
- Dayton Firefighters Union makes case aga 3
- The Tale of the Traveling Facades 3
- Ohio Officials Wrongfully Drove Attorney 3
- Bush Want to Cut the Low Income Home Ene 3
- Strickland Supports Tax Exemption for Mi 3
- updayton Helps College Students Claim Da 3
- Two New Dayton-Based Blogs 3
- Better late than never- the Dayton Daily 3
- In Montgomery County, Once Again, Gerrym 3
- Poverty rate in Ohio now up to 16% 3
- Responsible tax dollar management: end j 3
- East Dayton Farmhouses: East of Smithvi 3
- 50 Under $50 Art and Craft Bazarre: Loca 3
- Where’s the outrage over Illinois Govern 2
- Kevin Riley: DDN Editor, a little late t 2
- Oregon District Tonight – Excellent Art, 2
- Good news from Washington: The Matthew S 2
- Robert Reich Asks, “Why Save Citigroup 2
- Ohio 2008, Still Not Ready For An Electi 2
- Fastest Dying City Looking for Originals 2
- Mike Turner Is A Bum, For Our Democracy 2
- Moraine: The Dayton-Wright Era 2
- Scaling Up Retail on Smithville Road: Gr 2
- Dayton Daily News Should Do In-Depth Rep 2
- A New View of the Downtown Skyline 2
- If the Fed won’t fight the foreclosure 2
- Dayton History’s New Website 2
- Bibliophilia in Sacramento 2
- The few, the proud, the brave 2
- The Political Economy of Infrastructure: 2
- Daytonology Recommends…. 2
- OH 7th – Dave Hobson or Steve Austria? 2
- Dayton school board campaign literature 2
- Wartime Jerry -Building: Dayton’s Subur 2
- Steve Austria Denies The DDN Charge That 2
- Mindless Jack format comes to Dayton 2
- Best view of Dayton Dragons brawl 2
- Mary Wiseman Appointed to Judge Kessler’ 2
- Assembly Candidates Should Take Stand: 2
- Forget ethanol and cars that run on natu 2
- Sherrod Brown finds his party catching u 2
- George W. Bush Denies Any Responsibility 2
- Boycott Dayton 2
- “Little Kentucky” 2
- No Kroger coming to Wayne and Wyoming 2
- The Monument: Good Urban Design 2
- Old School Downtown Housing 2
- How to get shot by a cop. 2
- Jeffrey Hart Says Republicans Must Rejec 2
- Sen. Jim Bunning Says $700 Billion Wall 2
- Dayton & Disadvantaged Ohio Urban S 2
- The 104th way Dayton can save money 2
- Krugman: Regardless of $Trillion Defici 2
- Clemency requests sitting 2
- To Transform Our System Of Education, We 2
- Dayton’s $1 Billion Non-profit (MedAmeri 2
- Another ranty post from a typically happ 2
- Huckabee Has Radical Views — About Evol 2
- Roads to Wright Patterson I: To 1945 2
- The Montgomery County Democratic Party E 2
- Senate Adds Long List Worth $149 Billion 2
- BoyCott the Dayton Daily News and Their 2
- Dayton Patented, Originals Wanted blows 2
- UD Flyers Move Into Top 25 with Win Over 2
- PosterTastic + Dayton Music Fest (Saturd 2
- Expensive Education Fails To Increase Ec 2
- East Dayton’s Oldest: Heirloom Houses at 2
- We Need To Change A Liberal Washington I 2
- Reynolds bails on downtown 2
- My Future is Already Planned. 2
- The Dayton Regions’ Robust Festival Cul 2
- Shar Pei puppies in Dayton for sale 2
- Ohio Judge Strikes Down Republican Campa 2
- The Enchanted NIMBY Forest II: The Grea 2
- Mike Turner Voted “No” On Auto Bailo 2
- Dayton Bombers Forward Chanse Fitzpatric 2
- Old Sacramento Skyscrapers 2
- What do Greg Hanahan and David Bremmer h 2
- Nouriel Roubini Warns Of Possible “Mot 2
- Deep Background 2008-06-11 00:04:41 1
- For Our Future’s Sake, We Must Transform 1
- Election Education Forum “The Price of L 1
- Samuelson Warns Of Impact Of Lost Wealth 1
- Barack Obama owes me a pen knife, and ow 1
- One in 10 Ohioans on Food Stamps – More 1
- Where Did That $10 Trillion Go? 1
- Needed: The Wisdom of Solomon 1
- Mediamatter Says Drudge “Alert” Abou 1
- The takedown of Jack Brooks. 1
- Obama’s Writing About His Life Story Pro 1
- Study Says Ohio Should Raise State Reven 1
- Dayton Metro Library Plans Bond Issue! 1
- Auto Union Workers Walk Out at Chrysler 1
- Thomas Friedman: Putting A Total Novice 1