Monthly Archives: November 2008

Samuelson Warns Of Impact Of Lost Wealth On Total Economy

Robert J. Samuelson of Newsweek notes that since September 2007, Americans’ personal wealth has dropped about $9 trillion and that a common estimate is that every dollar’s change in wealth causes people to change their spending by 5 cents. If … Continue reading

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Sidwell Friends School Nurtures Love Of Learning: “Let The Light Shine Out From All”

Sidwell Friends School is known as “the Harvard of Washington’s private schools.” The Obamas have decided to send their daughters, Sasha and Malia, to Sidwell. Chelsea Clinton and Al Gore III (the former Vice President’s son) graduated from the school. … Continue reading

Posted in Special Reports | 2 Comments

Workers Should Share In Prosperity Caused By Increased Productivity

Mitt Romney says, “Let Detroit Go Bankrupt.” In a New York Times article he gives his view of what, after bankruptcy, a reconstituted automobile industry should look like. Romney says of American auto makers, “First, their huge disadvantage in costs … Continue reading

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