Category Archives: Dayton Blog Feeds

See Video of Each Kettering City Council Candidate — Speaking At LWV Community Meeting

At the League of Women Voters Community Meeting this evening, October 28, held at the Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, in Kettering, Ohio, there were about 40 people in attendance. Each of the six candidates took turns answering questions. I took … Continue reading

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Deepak Chopra’s New Book: “Jesus: A Story of Enlightenment”

In searching around about Deepak Chopra’s controversial comments on CNN, I discovered that Chopra has published a new book, Jesus: A Story of Enlightenment. This Time Magazine review, by David Van Biema, says, that in this book, “We meet Jesus … Continue reading

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Samuelson Warns Of Impact Of Lost Wealth On Total Economy

Robert J. Samuelson of Newsweek notes that since September 2007, Americans’ personal wealth has dropped about $9 trillion and that a common estimate is that every dollar’s change in wealth causes people to change their spending by 5 cents. If … Continue reading

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