Looking Back: My 15 Months Of Web Log Posts On DaytonOS

This morning, I decided to go through the DaytonOS archives and look through the articles that I’ve posted on DaytonOS — from the time of my first post about 15 months ago.  I’ve enjoyed writing these posts, and I’m thinking, indirectly, by writing these posts, I’m developing a technique of self-education and personal growth that could be developed for implementation in educational programs– particularly programs, such as home schooling, where there is opportunity for choice and personal direction.

A lot of my posts center on summarizing articles I’ve read by other authors.  But, these 73 articles referenced below represent my effort, at least once each week, to focus my own thoughts on a question or topic and to write my own article.

December is a good time to take a breath, evaluate the fading year and contemplate the coming new year.  I’m hit with a double dose of thoughtfulness this time of year, because my birthday falls on December 31. These 73 posts are a good reminder to me of my own thinking these past 15 months, a good foundation for this new year.  To anyone thinking about making a New Years resolution centered on increasing personal growth, I’d recommend the developing and sharing of a web log.

  1. The Ascending Issue In Our Democracy Is Democracy Itself September 17, 2007
  2. Why Are We Rich? October 10, 2007
  3. The Big Questions Facing Our Democracy Are Too Important To Allow Political Parties to Decide October 17, 2007
  4. The Mission of the Democratic Party Should Be to Empower Democracy to Work October 26, 2007
  5. Joe Lacey, And the New Dayton School Board, Must Find A Way To Transform Failed DPS Organizational Structure November 1, 2007
  6. A Great Question: How Can We Tell If a School Is Excellent? November 2, 2007
  7. Strickland Should Use Charter Schools To Help Fulfill His Promise: “Reform and Renew the System of Education Itself” November 13, 2007
  8. What Is The Education That Matters? November 16, 2007
  9. When Everything Is Restored November 20, 2007
  10. Our Democracy Must Be Revived — If We Hope To Achieve The Dreams of Our Wisest and Best November 28, 2007
  11. The Montgomery Democrats Decide to Suppress Democracy — Just Like the Republicans December 14, 2007
  12. Denial of The Theory of Evolution Brings Huckabee’s Qualification For Presidency Into Question December 17, 2007
  13. For Our Future’s Sake, We Must Transform Our System of Elitism To a System of Democracy December 20, 2007
  14. Note to Iowa Democrats: Pleeeeease, Not Hillary December 28, 2007
  15. How Can All Americans Live The American Dream? January 18, 2008
  16. Why Republicans Eventually Will Reject McCain January 31, 2008
  17. Tell Me Once Again: What Does It Mean To Be a Conservative? February 6, 2008
  18. Victor Harris: Surprised That Local Democratic Party Wanted To Suppress Primary Competition February 25, 2008
  19. What It Means To Be An Effective Representative; Why Leadership and Community are Essential March 3, 2008
  20. How Gerrymandering Defeated An Outstanding Candidate And Sent a Weak Candidate To Columbus March 5, 2008
  21. Motivation, Not Curriculum: The Key to School Reform Wednesday, March 07, 2007
  22. Public Schools Need Radical Reform, Educational Leaders Must Answer the Question: BY WHAT METHOD? March 7, 2008
  23. To Defeat Turner, Mitakides Must Communicate A Compelling Reason For Change March 20, 2008
  24. Education For the Future Demands Authentic Teaching Sunday, April 01, 2007
  25. As We Accelerate Towards the Cliff: Can’t Help Thinking We Should Be Frightened About Tomorrow April 2, 2008
  26. The Problem Behind the Problem: What Does It Take To Make Our Democracy Work As It Should? April 8, 2008
  27. Grassroots Dayton: “Sowing The Seeds Of Democracy” April 11, 2008
  28. The Transcendent Challenge Dayton Must Solve In Order To Be Assured Of A Great Future April 24, 2008
  29. What The Strange Case of Jeremiah Wright Can Teach Us April 30, 2008
  30. How Grassroots Dayton Can Build Democracy By Building Community May 13, 2008
  31. To Transform Our System Of Education, We Must Redefine The Aim Of The System May 27, 2008
  32. Non-Partisan Action Is Needed To Strengthen And Support Our Local Democracy May 28, 2008
  33. Why You Are Not Entitled To Your Opinion June 3, 2008
  34. Let’s Frame the Question of “Achievement Gap” to Include All Schools and All Students June 4, 2008
  35. Thoughts Occasioned By the Death of Tim Russert June 17, 2008
  36. Republican Ohio Assembly Candidates Must Be Punished For Ohio’s Decline June 23, 2008
  37. Thinking Through Purposes and Principles Needed To Guide the Re-Design of Public Education July 17, 2008
  38. In Education, Let’s Stop Trying To Improve a Horse and Buggy System July 25, 2008
  39. Governor Strickland In “Education Forum” Discusses Six Principles To Guide Ohio’s Education Reform July 31, 2008
  40. Strickland In His Educational Forums Shows Bold Thinking, But Bold Action Is Needed August 1, 2008
  41. Ohio’s 2005 Tax Reduction Law Diminished, By 21%, The Progressivity of Ohio’s Tax Code August 6, 2008
  42. John McCain Wants To Fight Fight Fight September 5, 2008
  43. Let’s Bring Back Lincoln Douglas Style Debates To Today’s Campaigns September 9, 2008
  44. John Doll Says: Jon Husted Won’t Live In District, And If Elected, Won’t Finish Term September 12, 2008
  45. Expensive Education Fails To Increase Economic Opportunities For Many Citizens September 12, 2008
  46. Effectively Using the Internet Is Key to Jane Mitakides Defeating Congressman Mike Turner September 24, 2008
  47. Are You Afraid Enough Yet? September 26, 2008
  48. Turner and Kucinich Agreement Shows Victory Of Ideology, Bankruptcy Of Democracy September 30, 2008
  49. Does The Rise Of Sarah Palin Illustrate The “Peter Principle” At Work? October 2, 2008
  50. Fannie And Freddie Not Responsible For Housing Bust; Affordable Housing Goals Not At Fault October 6, 2008
  51. Charlie Gibson, ABC National News, Will Broadcast On Side Of Great Miami River In Front Of Job Center October 6, 2008
  52. Chris Widener, Republican Senate Candidate, Boasts About Tax Cuts, But How Will He Solve Ohio’s Budget Crisis? October 8, 2008
  53. Today Is The First Frost Date And My Dahlias Are Just Now Starting To Bloom October 10, 2008
  54. As Richard Cooey Faces Execution, Does “State Sanctioned Killing In Our Names Diminish All Of Us”? October 13, 2008
  55. Shouldn’t How To Increase Wealth, How To Fairly Distribute Wealth, Be At The Center Of Our Political Debate? October 14, 2008
  56. Mike Turner Is A Bum, For Our Democracy’s Sake, Let’s Throw The Bum Out October 16, 2008
  57. “Spreading The Wealth Around” Is An Established Principle In Our Democracy October 17, 2008
  58. Is This Church Violating IRS Tax Exempt Rules? October 18, 2008
  59. Colin Powell’s Over The Top Argument For War With Iraq Is Still Outrageous, Still Unforgivable October 21, 2008
  60. I Will Vote For These Judges October 29, 2008
  61. The DDN Misses The Big Picture, Its Reasons To Support Congressman Turner Are Nonsense October 31, 2008
  62. Will Judy Dodge Be Punished For the Actions Of Debbie Lieberman And The Montgomery County Democratic Party? November 2, 2008
  63. Democrat Candidates For Ohio State Assembly Fail To Challenge Republicans On Crucial Budget / Tax Issues November 3, 2008
  64. I Met A Hillary Voter Who, At This Late Date, Is Still Undecided Between McCain and Obama
    November 3, 2008
  65. Needed: The Wisdom of Solomon November 5, 2008
  66. The Change We Need In Education Is Radical Transformation Of The Present System November 7, 2008
  67. In Montgomery County, Once Again, Gerrymandering Triumphs Over Democracy November 10, 2008
  68. Showing Leadership On Reapportionment Presents Governor Strickland With Big Opportunity November 10, 2008
  69. What Do Our Earliest Relatives Tell Us? November 11, 2008
  70. If The Ten Commandments Are Displayed In A Public Park, Why Not Display The Seven Aphorisms? November 13, 2008
  71. Was Hamlet A Thoughtful Person? November 15, 2008
  72. Workers Should Share In Prosperity Caused By Increased Productivity November 24, 2008
  73. Sidwell Friends School Nurtures Love Of Learning: “Let The Light Shine Out From All” November 25, 2008

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One Response to Looking Back: My 15 Months Of Web Log Posts On DaytonOS

  1. ewtotel says:

    “To anyone thinking about making a New Years resolution centered on increasing personal growth, I’d recommend the developing and sharing of a web log.”

    GREAT advice…

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