At DaytonOS, in November, we averaged 428 visitors each day, and we averaged 1278 “hits” each day. A “hit” indicates that a specific article is accessed. As this chart shows, we were busiest around election day, and have been tapering off since then.
Sort of as an experiment, I placed five “channels” on DaytonOS to display Google ads. The revenue on these ads vary from day to day. My highest amount of ad revenue for one day was $3.63. Total ad revenue for the month was $21.36 or $.71 per day.
I’m thinking that if DaytonOS had fifty times the activity each day that it has now, the ad revenue would be fifty times as much. If the 428 visitors each day is multipled by 50 the result is 21,400. And if 21,400 visitors on average came to DaytonOS, I guess it would be a safe prediction that the the ad revenue would be 50 times as much: $.71 each day multiplied by 50 = $35.50 or $1065 for a 30 day month.
If it could ever be possible to have such a many-fold increase in activity on DaytonOS, the ad income produced from such activity could be used to hire some part time reporters or web-meisters. As a web-site becomes successful, it gains capacity to become even more successful. As they say, nothing succeeds like success. Content drives readership.
DaytonOS has some big long term goals and plans. I am making a new strategy for moving toward these goals and I will write about that new strategy soon. The plans for DaytonOS requires getting a lot more people actively involved working towards a shared vision of purpose. This will require a lot of effort and my intention is to modify my lazy ways and start dedicating more time and personal energy to the project.
Right now, DaytonOS consists of my posts and the posts from Dayton area web-sites that DaytonOS syndicates. We syndicate these sites:
- DaytonCREATE
- Daytonology
- David Esrati
- Kurts Nightmare
- Left of Dayton
- The Oracle Of Dayton
- This Old Crack House
For each post coming from a syndicated site, for those readers who want to make comments, a link is provided to take readers back to the syndicated site.
DaytonOS has some readers who seem to check in on a regular basis, often making comments. But the number of such loyal visitors is small. Of the 400+ visitors we average each day, the great majority find DaytonOS while searching a specific question via a search engine.
I’ve gotten interested in analyzing the search phrases that bring visitors to DaytonOS. It’s sort of amazing that when you float a small bark out into the internet seas, someone, somewhere, is searching to find it. What is interesting is that oftentimes via a search engine, there may be hundreds of thousands, or even millions, of possible matches, but often DaytonOS articles are in the top ten.
My WordPress software tells the search phrase that visitors have used to find specific articles, and shows the search engine result. This information is pretty ephemeral — only the last ten references are held and then the oldest is erased as new searchers are listed.
The last week or so, I’ve been checking the statistics periodically to see how people find DaytonOS. Here are some of these references I noticed in the last week. These show: Search engine rank (position) out of (total entries indicated), Search phrase: the exact phrase used by searcher, The article found, the date the article was written:
- Position #2 Out of 466,000 Search phrase: there is no need for reform in public school Public Schools Need Radical Reform, Educational Leaders Must Answer the Question: BY WHAT METHOD? March 7, 2008
- Position #7 out of 480,000 Search phrase: how will america pay for all the new debt?
Who Cares? America Will Never Pay Off It’s Debt – Why Try? June 15, 2008 - Position #1 Out of 473,000 Search phrase: mission strickland education Governor Strickland In “Education Forum” Discusses Six Principles To Guide Ohio’s Education Reform July 31, 2008
- Position # 5 Out of 1,970,000 Search phrase: postwar housing Solutions to the Postwar Housing Crisis November 14, 2008
- Position #2 Out of 445,000 Search phrase: dangers of national debt Ross Perot Warns About Dangers of National Debt August 31, 2008
- Position #2 Out of 4,010,000 Search phrase: how much do stitches cost How much do 3 stitches cost? October 7, 2008
- Position #5 Out of 4,010,000 Search phrase: Krugman on auto bailout Paul Krugman Gives Two Reason He Supports Bailout of Auto Companies November 16, 2008
- Position #1 Out of 8,710,000 Search phrase: how do you tell if a school is a good school A Great Question: How Can We Tell If a School Is Excellent? November 2, 2007
- Position #2 Out of 457,000 Search phrase: children die because of health insurance Two Ohioans Die Every Day Because of a Lack of Health Insurance March 19, 2008
- Position #3 Out of 262,000 Search phrase: roubini economist Nouriel Roubini, Prescient Economist Known as “Dr. Doom,” Says Bailout Process Is a Disgrace September 26, 2008
- Position #1 Out of 3,250,000 Search phrase: a democracy if you can keep “A Republic, If You Can Keep it!” October 18, 2007
- Position #1 Out of 58,900 Search phrase: post-war housing shortage Solutions to the Postwar Housing Crisis November 14, 2008
- Position #10 Out of 351,000 Search phrase: where can obama be bold in the role of president Krugman: Regardless of $Trillion Deficit, Obama Must Be Bold And Enact A New New Deal November 7, 2008
- Position #13 Out of 6,520,000 Search phrase: world war II emergency housing #13 The Industrial Suburb at War: Home Front Boom Town November 6, 2008
- Position #4 Out of 721,000 Search phrase: brief history of debt A brief history of our Federal debt November 18, 2008
- Position #2 Out of 9,610,000 Search phrase: will obama go to the moon Barack Obama’s “Go To The Moon” Challenge For Our Time Should Be: Transform Public Education May 9, 2008
- Position #1 Out of 438,000 Search phrase: play on thoughtfulness Was Hamlet A Thoughtful Person? November 15, 2008
- Position #1 Out of 18,800,000 Search phrase: sorry county blues Sorry County Blues November 23, 2008
- Position #2 Out of 183,000 Search phrase: Peter Principle palin Does The Rise Of Sarah Palin Illustrate The “Peter Principle” At Work? October 2, 2008
- Position #1 Out of 3,060,000 Search phrase: Paul Krugman on financial crisis Paul Krugman: “Ugly Financial Crisis Will Soon Create Ugly Politics” March 14, 2008
- Position #4 Out of 183,000,000 Search phrase america third word country America: a third world country. October 11, 2008
- Position #1 Out of 248,000 Search phrase: ohio state inheritance tax budget State Senator Tom Roberts – Ohio’s Estate Tax March 6, 2008
- Position #2 Out of 2,390,000 Search phrase: krugman and bailout of auto industry #2 Paul Krugman Gives Two Reason He Supports Bailout of Auto Companies November 16, 2008
- Position #3 Out of 1,760,000 Search phrase: most important legislation Obama wants passed #3 Unions Want Obama’s Help In Passing Legislation That Helps Workers Unionize November 12, 2008
- Position #1 Out of 1,740,000 Search phrase: was hamlet brilliant? Was Hamlet A Thoughtful Person? November 15, 2008
- Position #2 Out of 59,300 Search phrase: david matthews reclaiming public education The Problem Behind the Problem: What Does It Take To Make Our Democracy Work As It Should? April 8, 2008