Category Archives: Dayton Blog Feeds

Jeffrey Hart Says Republicans Must Reject Bushism And Rediscover Eisenhower

Jeffrey Hart, a former editor of National Review, and former speechwriter for both Richard Nixon and Ronald Reagan, writes that the conservative movement that backed George W. Bush “is now dead.” He urges the Republican Party to move away from … Continue reading

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Unions Want Obama’s Help In Passing Legislation That Helps Workers Unionize

According to a New York Times article, After Push for Obama, Unions Seek New Rules, one big goal unions want to accomplish, with President Obama’s help, is passage of legislation that will make it easier for workers to unionize. The … Continue reading

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What Obama Should Accomplish In His First 100 Days

The editor of The Nation, Katrina vanden Heuvel, has compiled a list of actions she is urging President Obama to implement in his first 100 days in office: Bush Executive Orders: As Obama himself said of his first 100 days … Continue reading

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