WOW — It is October 25 And My Dahlias Are Still Blooming — Maybe Until November !
I started growing dahlias in about the year 1985 — mostly for my mom and dad at my parents’ home. I fell in love with them then, and, as I grow them now, I feel connected to my mom and dad who enjoyed them so.
I acquired this website in 2007 and it has become a good reminder to me of my thoughts and interests over the last 17 years. I found four other times that I posted about my dahlia efforts and looking at the pictures of these old posts reminds me of the glory that used to be. Now, I have fewer plants and some spectacular varieties I used to have, over time, have disappeared. The most beautiful seem to be the less hardy. There is probably a poem that develops that theme. Next year, I’ll hope to make my garden great again.

I provided this vase of dahlias for a neighbor. I enjoy sharing these beautiful flowers, but this year I had fewer to share.
Here are excerpts and links to the posts from previous years — lots of good pictures — even a youtube video.
- October 30, 2020. — It’s October 30 And My Dahlias Are Still Blooming — In Dayton Ohio — But Some Claim That Frost Is Coming. So, yes, some claim that frost is coming. It’s Frost, Frost, Frost. I’d like to think all of this Frost attention is just part of the Fake News. I’d like to think that if people stopped predicting Frost so much, we’d have a lot less Frost. Anyway. These plants have been faithful to produce a lot of great blooms this year and I’m thinking that if they can withstand just one more cold snap — they might make it to Thanksgiving ! Please people, let’s stop predicting Frost.
- October 16, 2013 — Great Year To Grow Dahlias In Kettering, Ohio A dahlia is an inspiring flower — a lot of work, but offering a big pay-off in its stunning, enchanting, mesmerizing and astonishing beauty. And this was a great year to grow them — lots of rain and not too hot. In my little backyard I had more plants than ever — about 100 plants — most growing about six feet tall and full of blooms.
- September 11, 2009 — My Dahlias Are Blooming ! I got interested in dahlias maybe twenty years ago when I noticed a dahlia garden as I was traveling with my mom on Route 48. The garden was just north of Lebanon, and a sign by the road advertised cut flowers. I had never noticed flowers so beautiful. I bought a vase of the blooms to take to my parents’ home. The next spring, I returned to this small farm and bought a few roots and every since I’ve been growing dahlias. The Lebanon garden was part of a mail order business of long standing called The Golden Rule Dahlia Farm. It is now long gone. I feel a little sad every time I pass by the place it used to be.
October 10, 2008 — Today Is The First Frost Date And My Dahlias Are Just Now Starting To Bloom My photography is not adequate to really capture the magnificence of these flowers. Sort of like trying to capture on film the Rocky Mountains or the Pacific Ocean.