Only 40% of Montgomery County Precincts Have At Least One  Candidate For the MCDP Central Committee

The MC Board of Elections shows that the names of the 196 Democrats who have turned in petitions to be candidates seeking election to the Central Committee of the Montgomery County Democratic Party. The election will be at the Democratic Primary on May 4.

228 of the county’s 381 precincts (60%) have zero candidates. Democrats seeking to serve on the Central Committee have one more chance. The deadline to turn in a write-in petition is 72 days before the Primary — February 18. Download this form. All that is required on this petition is the candidate’s signature. The name of a write-in candidate does not appear on the ballot and a write-in candidate usually wins with only one or two votes.
After the results of the May 4 Primary are verified by the BOE, the quadrennial MCDP Reorganization Meeting will be scheduled later in May. This key meeting sets the direction of the local organization for the next four years. The newly elected members of the Central Committee, by majority of those in attendance, will choose officers for the MCDP and will make changes and amendments to the MCDP Constitution.
Democrats in every precinct can elect a member of the Central Committee, but usually more than one-half of the precincts are not contested. This year, so far, only 153 of the county’s 381 precincts have even one candidate. This is 40%. The BOE report shows that 114 precincts have one candidate, 36 precincts have two candidates and three precincts have three candidates.
On the 196 candidates filing petitions, 43 will lose the Primary election. In previous years, these losing candidates would be appointed to represent uncontested precincts, but this practice has been discontinued. State law requires that all members of the Central Committee must reside in the precinct they represent and the ODP has cracked down and is insisting that all county organizations abide by this law.
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3 Responses to Only 40% of Montgomery County Precincts Have At Least One  Candidate For the MCDP Central Committee

  1. David Esrati says:

    When you count out the contested races-
    same as it everwas-
    very little participation
    Unfortunately, the most ardent partisan pols who’ve held these seats are once again- running unopposed.

  2. David Esrati says:

    Mike- your math is wonkered.
    After this election- there are only 135 filled seats.

  3. Mike Bock says:

    Wow. A comment!

    I think my math is correct. I double checked. I printed out the list as shown on the BOE and counted them by hand. As I said in the article, there are 153 precincts with at least one candidate. I will send you more info by email.

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