Montgomery County Democrats Defeat Endorsement Motion

Both the Executive Committee and the Central Committee of the Montgomery County Democratic Party, at our October meeting last night, defeated my motion concerning endorsement procedures. Chairman, Mark Owens, discouraged the tabling of the motion and encouraged a thorough discussion. In the discussion, one Central Committee member said that she had been active in the California Democratic Party and that one of the by-laws of the California Party agreed with my proposed motion: that the Party could make no endorsements prior to the filing date for candidates.

After a resounding defeat in the Executive Committee, I was surprised that, when the vote came in the Central Committee, a significant number of hands were raised in support of the motion. The motion was defeated by 2 to 1.

See my opinion article: “The Mission of the Democratic Party Should Be to Empower Democracy”

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  1. Pingback: The Mission of the Democratic Party Should Be to Empower Democracy to Work : DaytonOS

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