I’ve decided to give myself a challenge. I need to write a little book and within the next few days email PDF files to Lulu. Lulu is offering a special 25% off deal on book orders of more than 35 copies. The last day for the deal is September 30. So I need to get going. The minimum number of pages for the book is 32 pages. I may include some of my old material — some from my former Lulu book — but I want a lot of the material to be new and aimed at my campaign to be elected to Kettering’s Board of Education. With the discount and with shipping, it looks like from Lulu each copy of the book will be about $4.50. I’m hoping I will have supporters who will give me a $10 donation for a copy — and then I can use the excess funds to buy signs, etc.
The working title of the book, so far, is: “Kettering Public Education In The Year 2022.” Here is the rough draft of an outline:
Chapter One: The System Of Kettering Public Education In The Year 2009
- Its aim / purpose
- Its guiding theories / principles
- Its organizational structure
- How money is spent
- How the system is evaluated
Chapter Two: The System Of Kettering Public Education In The Year 2022
- Its aim / purpose
- Its guiding theories / principles
- Its organizational structure
- How money is spent
- How the system is evaluated
Chapter Three: Creating A Shared Vision Of The Future
- Building a learning community
- Building a stronger democracy
Chapter Four: The Steps Of Transformation
- Benchmarks
The preface to the book will include my 75 word statement to the League of Women Voters, which explains my purpose in writing the book.
Public education needs a big leap in quality — including a big leap in cost effectiveness. We need a ten year process of transformation that will result in a 21st century system of education. Community consensus is needed. Leadership is needed. The biggest challenge for the Kettering School Board is to lead the community in creating a shared vision of the future, and, in creating a well-thought out, long-term plan to bring that vision to reality.