K. George Kordalis

Susan Solle
The pre-election Finance Report, filed October 22, shows that in the contest for Common Pleas Judge, the Republican candidate, K. George Kordalis, loaned his campaign $90,000 and that, by using this money, his campaign outspent Susan Solle’s campaign six to one.
The Report shows that Kordalis spent $91,058 and Solle spent $14,491.
The Report shows that Solle received $27,361 in individual contributions — almost twice the amount that Kordalis received: $15,526.
In order to have the cash needed to massively outspend his opponent, Kordalis loaned his own campaign $90,000.
- Susan Solle Has The Experience And Maturity We Need In A Montgomery County Common Pleas Judge — She Has My Vote
- K. George Kordalis — Age 33 — Lacks The Age, Background, And Experience Needed To Serve As Common Pleas Judge