Wow, this might be a record. My dahlia plants are still alive and still producing new flowers here at the end of October. I’m seeing it as a positive sign of something positive.
I was telling a friend on the phone that it’s wonderful and unusual that my dahlias are still blooming and he said, “Yeah, but it’s suppose to frost this weekend.” What kind of a friend says things like that?
I’m cutting the nicer flowers to make bouquets and I’m covering the plants with some tarp and old sheets.
So, yes, some claim that frost is coming. It’s Frost, Frost, Frost. I’d like to think all of this Frost attention is just part of the Fake News. I’d like to think that if people stopped predicting Frost so much, we’d have a lot less Frost. Anyway. These plants have been faithful to produce a lot of great blooms this year and I’m thinking that if they can withstand just one more cold snap — they might make it to Thanksgiving ! Please people, let’s stop predicting Frost.