The graphs below show the voting pattern in Kettering, Ohio for the 2010 election. Each graph shows the total universe of registered voters in Kettering and shows how sub-groups voted, or failed to vote.
The universe of all Kettering registered voters is divided according to six age groups (the rows in the chart) And each age group, in turn, is divided into six divisions (the columns in the chart). The six columns are: Republicans who voted, Democrats who voted, Independents who voted, Republicans who did not vote, Democrats who did not vote, and Independents who did not vote.
Here is a breakdown of those voting:
- 88% of Republicans voted — 9220 out of 10,488
- 75% of Democrats voted — 8549 out of 11,400
- 31% of Independents voted — 6096 out of 20020
In Kettering 57% of registered voters actually voted in the November, 2010 general election. What these graphs do not show is the number of eligible voters in Kettering who have never registered. Nationwide, it is estimated that 30% of eligible voters never register to vote. In Kettering 57% of registered voters went to the polls, but I don’t have the data to calculate the turn-out rate of all eligible voters. In Ohio, the overall turnout of eligible voters was estimated at 48%. Here is a cloer look at two of the groups — one older, one younger
76% of Kettering registered voters age 60-69 voted:
- 93% of Kettering Republicans age 60-69 voted (1745 out of 1876 voting)
- 84% of Kettering Democrats age 60-69 voted (1796 out of 2149)
- 47% of Kettering Independent age 60-69 voted (790 out of 1674)
28% of Kettering’s registered voters age 18-30 voted:
- 65% of Republicans age 18-30 voted — 374 out of 579
- 46% of Democrats age 18-30 voted — 432 out of 943
- 21% of Independents age 18-30 voted — 1160 out of 5542
The graph shows a huge dip in registered voters from the age group 50-59 to the age group 60-69, then a big gain for the 70+ group. A better graph that showed more the age divisions — say, 20 instead of 6 — would show a more accurate representation, and smoother transitions from each age group. I’m planning on redoing thes graphs to improve them.
I am accumulating this data via a FileMaker program on my iMac, and I have all of the voting records of Montgomery County to work with. I used the iMac “Numbers” program to produce these charts and graphs.
I’m intend on making more analysis — particularly comparing the voting patterns in the 2008 election with the 2010 election. This graph below is the same data — again, the six columns together represent the total universe — 41,908 potential participants — of registered voters in Kettering.