Monthly Archives: July 2010

Could Fisher / Portman Debates In 2010 Copy Lincoln / Douglas Format From 1858?

In the race to be elected to the U. S. Senate, Democrat Lee Fisher is challenging his Republican opponent, Rob Portman, to debate in seven different locations in Ohio. There were seven Lincoln Douglas debates in the Senate race in … Continue reading

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Is Message of Economic DOOM Used To Hawk Silver And Gold?

The lead article at the web-site, The American Dream, starts, “As the U.S. media trumpets the arrival of a great ‘economic recovery’, the vast majority of the American people are completely unaware that the entire U.S. financial system is caught … Continue reading

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Shirley Sherrod’s Message: Racism Is Used By Those In Power To Divide and Suppress The Poor

Benjamin Todd Jealous, the CEO of the NAACP, must feel pretty ridiculous.  He wrote a harshly worded statement condemning a fellow NAACP activist, Shirley Sherrod, for showing racism.  As it turns out, it was all a mistake.  Shirley Sherrod’s message, … Continue reading

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