How Do We Make The MCDP A Stronger / More Successful Organization? Democrats Should Make A Long Term Plan

In my email that I sent to MCDP Central Committee members — concerning our December 6 meeting — I invited members to express interest in developing and participating in an OH-10 Democratic Forum that I am developing on DaytonOS to start in January.

The purpose of the Forum is to empower Democrats to come together in learning communities focused on answering a specific question or advancing a specific mission. One question to investigate, for example, is: What can be done to make the MCDP a stronger and more successful organization? A committee investigating that question might start by defining the criteria for evaluating MCDP as an organization. How do we define strength? In our wildest dreams, what would a strong MCDP organization look like in 2022? How do we move from here to there?

I’m trying to think through the software of how to organize and to empower on-line study groups. I like the idea that groups can make their own Wiki. I want to be ready to launch before January. Here is the list of committees that I may start with:

  1. Committee to make the MCDP a stronger and more successful organization.
  2. Committee To Increase Voter Turn-Out In Strong Democratic Precincts.
  3. Committee to Study and Monitor the actions of the Ohio Assembly and to inform and engage the public concerning the work of the Assembly — particularly the work of Montgomery and Greene County Assembly members.
  4. Committee to Study and Monitor the action of the U.S. Congress and to inform and engage the public concerning the work of Mike Turner, Rob Portman and Sherrod Brown.
  5. Committee to make the Ohio Budget understandable and transparent and to inspire public interest in understanding issues dealing with the Ohio Budget.
  6. Committee to make the Federal Budget understandable and transparent and to inspire public interest in understanding issues dealing with the Federal Budget.
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