David Esrati, who is seeking nomination in the July 13 special primary to be the Democratic candidate for Ohio’’s 3rd Congressional District posted a You-tube video on his web-site, his first “stump speech,” showing David addressing Warren County Democrats.
In his remarks, David disparages the other two Democratic candidates — Joe Roberts and Guy Fogle — and says, that he, Esrati, is “the only one who can go and even give it a shot at this late time.”
David’s message is that he intends on hammering the theme that the incumbent Republican congressman for the 3rd District, Mike Turner, should be defeated for an additional term because he is “as corrupt as they come.”
David’s message is that, unlike Turner, he will not take special interest money and, as a congressman, he would work to stop the “greatest shift of money from the poor to the rich of all times.” He says, “We have to put Americans back to work.”
Here is an excerpt of Esrati’s remarks:
I know Mike Turner inside and out and there is nobody who makes Mike Turner more nervous to have in the room than David Esrati. Because it was David Esrati who uncovered the slush fund that was paying off his wife on the no bid contract on the Dayton Development coalition, the one who uncovered the company called “Q-Base” was getting donations — $1000 from 17 people in one week — of people who all worked for the same company, who, again, was a client of Turner’s wife.
This has got to stop. It’s going to take perseverance, it’s going to take grassroots support. And it’s going to take someone who understands the web and who can get the message out cost effectively.
Now there are three candidates running in this special expensive primary. The reason it is so expensive is because of the gerrymandering. Three candidates: One is a 25 year old who nobody knows. There is a TV personality. And that’s great if you are Jesse Ventura or Arnold Schwartzennegger. But this is a local TV guy and the newspaper pretty much dug a hole for him yesterday. And there is me. I have the signs. I have the web-sites. I have five years worth of positions on my web-site. I have 1000 readers a day reading Esrati.com to see what is going on in Dayton Ohio. I am the only one who can go and even give it a shot at this at late time. …
I am ready to go. I am fired up. … We have to put Americans back to work…
We are seeing the greatest shift of money from the poor to the rich of all times. If this is allowed to continue there will be only three kinds of people in this country — the very rich he very poor and the government employee. And that is it. that has to stop. … Mike Turner is as corrupt as they come. And if you don’t believe that, go look at who is giving him money, because it is not the people of this district.
… there is nobody who makes Mike Turner more nervous to have in the room than David Esrati.
Well, has Esrati ever suggested Turner should be shot? Perhaps in a gathering of (presumably) like-minded Democrats?
Eric, No. That kind of violent language is not anything I’ve ever heard from Esrati.
Think back to Panera on Brown Street. Heck, I’d be nervous if Esrati were in the same room as Congressman Turner.
But we can let Esrati speak for himself…
David Esrati has as much of a chance of winning as my dog (and I think my dog may be smarter and more qualified).
@Eric- If you’d sign your whole name, it might mean more.
I’ve had to face Turner in court- 5x. He’s the lawyer and was using your tax dollars to defend his pathetic position. He lost- I won- and he looked pretty stupid, but the local media is afraid to say the emperor has no clothes.
@Jungle Jack- get your dog on the ballot.
And- no dem has much of a chance of winning as long as the district is gerrymandered- and Turner continues to get a hall pass for his deplorable crooked behaviors.
Eric: “… suggested Turner should be shot … Panera on Brown Street … we can let Esrati speak for himself”
Esrati: “… sign your whole name, it might mean more.”
If you lie when you answer my question, I’ll supply my name when I file a complaint with the Ohio Elections Commission. Good ‘nuf?
@Eric- Turner should be in jail-
But- I’ve never said he should be shot.
The great thing about America used to be were able to face our accusers- at least until the Patriot Act.
I have no idea what you are talking about- and neither do you.