Orthodox Jews Condemn Israel’s Attack On Gaza Flotilla

Israel’s May 31 attack on the flotilla of boats, resulting in the death of nine peace activists seeking to break the Gaza embargo has brought protest from orthodox Jews.

An orthodox group called “Neturei Karta” protested at the White House and released this message:  “We express our profound condolences to the families of the murdered innocents, as well as our heartfelt wishes for speedy recoveries to all those wounded by the Zionist occupational forces. May Heaven send you complete and swift healing.”

Wikipedia reports, about this Jewish Orthodox group, “Neturei Karta believes that the exile of the Jews can only end with the arrival of the Messiah, and that human attempts to establish Jewish sovereignty over the Land of Israel are sinful. In Neturei Karta’s view, Zionism is a presumptuous affront against God.”

Orthodox Jews, at the White House, protest Israel's attack on the Gaza flotilla that resulted in nine deaths.

Neturei Karta’s position is that that State of Israel is illegitimate:

We find it imperative to clearly declare that the State of “Israel” does not represent the Jewish people, and certainly not the Jewish religion. They have no right to speak in our name, nor in the name of the holy Torah. They profane the Holy Land with their abominations, slaughters and countless other actions that emanate from this illegitimate State. Furthermore, the actual existence of this State is illegitimate as the holy Torah strictly and explicitly forbids any Jewish rule over the Holy Land. When the Zionist movement arose a century ago, our rabbis all warned us not to have any connection with them.

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