Wow. A dahlia is the most spectacular flower. It’s great to have flowers that only begin to bloom in late summer. While other plants are winding down, the dahlia is just getting started. It continues to bloom until frost. This year my plants seem especially large (five feet tall and better) and healthy. They must like the weather — the rain and the coolness of this summer.
I got interested in dahlias maybe twenty years ago when I noticed a dahlia garden as I was traveling on Route 48. The garden was just north of Lebanon, and a sign by the road advertised cut flowers. I had never noticed flowers so beautiful. The next spring, I bought a few roots and every since I’ve been growing dahlias. The Lebanon garden was part of a mail order business of long standing called The Golden Rule Dahlia Farm. It is now long gone. I feel a little sad every time I pass by the place it used to be. I can’t remember the gentleman’s name, but he passed away some time ago. I now buy new roots from a great company in Michigan called The Hamilton Dahlia Company.
I need to get a new camera that will capture more detail. I’m still using a digital camera I bought forever ago.
I planted dahlias this year and the ones yu brought are coming up again… but not five feet!! The ones I bought turned out to be not-very-pretty. Also, as happens every year when shool starts, my yard has gone to pot. Weeds have overtaken everything.
I love dahials they are a beautiful plant they come in so many colors and they are so intricate.
Being this post is several years old I don’t know if you’ll get this message. I was born in Louisiana and moved to Lebanon when I was ten. When I was twelve I worked for the Pecks who owned the Golden Rule Dahlia Farm until we moved back to Louisiana. I helped set out the bulbs in spring and retreive them for winter storage every year that I was there. This was in the early 1970’s. We lived in the subdivision that adjoined the Peck property on the east side. Had quite a few experiences while being there on the Peck place. I still have a .410 shotgun that Mr. Peck gave me as a gift upon leaving for home back south. I wish dahlias would grow down here like they do up there but it gets too hot for them. Loved seeing your pictures. They brought back very fond memories.
Thanks for responding, and for helping me remember the dahlia grower’s name. I bought dahlia roots from Mr. Peck for about five years before he passed away. He was always very nice and very generous with me. I loved how he had his root cellar organized. He must have thought a lot of you to give you such a nice gift when you left for home.
Mr. Peck sold his business to Bruce Cornett in Yellow Springs, so after Mr. Peck passed away, I started buying roots from Bruce, and then Bruce moved out of state six years ago.
I first started growing dahlias because my Mom loved them so much. She has been gone almost 25 years and every year I grow a few plants — some years more than others. A bouquet makes a great gift, a great way to show appreciation. It’s funny how much emotion I have that is associated with these beautiful flowers.