This re-write of my recent article was produced by ChatGPT. Amazing! I can see how AI will become a full partner in creative projects. Soon, the human will be the junior partner.

My prompt: “I am posting the re-write of my article that was produced by ChatGPT. Please produce an image to accompany my article showing ChatGPT as a guide and partner in helping a human writer to improve what the human has written.”
The first meaningful opportunity to push back against Donald Trump and the corrupt Republican Party will come in 2026 at the ballot box. For citizens of Ohio’s 10th Congressional District (OH-10), voting against Republican Congressman Mike Turner will be the most direct way to express disapproval of Trump’s divisive policies.
The challenge before us is daunting but critical: to mount a credible, transformative campaign that can energize voters, including those who have long been disengaged from the political process. This will require more than a candidate, a campaign, or a catchy slogan—it will demand a movement powered by grassroots participation and leadership. Despair is not an option; leadership means rising to meet this moment with resolve.
Why OH-10 Is the Battleground
Among Ohio’s ten Republican-controlled congressional districts, OH-10 stands out as the most competitive. It is the least gerrymandered, providing Democrats with a genuine chance to make an impact. If there’s a place in Ohio where we can push back against Trump’s authoritarian agenda, it’s here, in the Miami Valley.
But to win, we need more than hope. We need a vision, a plan, and the broad support of Democrats across the state. Fortunately, an idea whose time has come can be unstoppable—and the idea of democracy has never been more urgent.
The Time for Democracy Is Now
Democracy itself is under threat, and more Americans than ever are waking up to that fact. The Democratic Party must seize this moment to position itself as the for- democracy party—a party that doesn’t just defend democratic principles but actively empowers citizens to participate in them.
Imagine this as the core mission of the Montgomery County Democratic Party (MCDP): To nominate and elect a candidate of the people who will represent all OH-10 citizens and, once in office, work to empower constituents through a 21st- century system of participatory democracy.
This vision is bold, but it is achievable. In the 19th century, it would have seemed outlandish for a congressional representative to pledge weekly engagement with a Citizen Assembly of 5,000 constituents. But in the 21st century, technology and artificial intelligence make such a system not only possible but cost-effective. Our challenge—and our opportunity—is to harness these tools to create a party that empowers rank-and-file citizens like never before.
The Problem: A Weak and Outdated Structure
Currently, the MCDP and the Ohio Democratic Party (ODP) are relics of the 19th- century political boss system. The MCDP Executive Committee consists of just 168 members, many of whom are inactive. Statewide, the ODP is similarly constrained, with its leadership dominated by insiders and power brokers. Of its 148 Executive Committee members, only 66 are elected by Democratic voters—the rest are unelected insiders.
While Ohio has over 800,000 registered Democrats, the state party functions as a hollow shell. Rank-and-file Democrats are invited to join as “members,” but there are no meetings, no meaningful engagement, and no pathway for them to shape the party’s direction.This must change.
The Way Forward: Democratizing the Democratic Party
If we are to challenge Mike Turner and win in 2026, the MCDP must transform itself into a true organization of the people, by the people, and for the people. It must become a vibrant, participatory entity that brings together hundreds and thousands of Democrats across Montgomery County.
Here’s the roadmap:
- Rebuild the Party from the Ground Up
The MCDP must open its doors to rank-and-file Democrats, empowering them to take on leadership roles and have a say in party decisions. - Embrace Participatory Democracy
Adopt technology and AI to create a platform for deliberative democracy, where constituents can regularly engage with elected leaders and influence decision-making. - Lead with a Pro-Democracy Message
Position the Democratic Party as the champion of democracy in an era when it is under attack. This means not just opposing Trump’s authoritarianism but also offering a compelling, hopeful vision of a government that works for everyone. - Leverage 2025 for Organizing
Use the next year to lay the groundwork for this transformation. Build local coalitions, engage new voters, and develop a candidate who embodies the values of participatory democracy.
A Call to Action
The Democratic Party’s mission must be nothing less than to become the for- democracy party—a movement that builds community, fosters harmony, and revitalizes the practice of democracy. The citizens of OH-10 deserve a party that works tirelessly to represent their voices and empower their participation.
The stakes are too high for half-measures or outdated tactics. Let’s make 2025 the year we rebuild, reimagine, and revitalize the Democratic Party in Montgomery County. Together, we can create the strong, effective organization that this moment demands— and lead the way toward a brighter, more democratic future.