Dear Mohamed,

Mohamed Al-Hamdani, in 2022, was elected the Chairperson of the Montgomery County Democratic Party Executive Committee. Mohamed has an inspiring life story. Coming to Dayton as a refugee from Iraq in 1992 as a ten year old, knowing no English, he now works as an immigration attorney. He previously served as a member of the Dayton Board of Education.
These are dark days. The disaster of the 2024 election is sad and depressing. It’s important for the MCDP Executive Committee to come to grips with the reality of this defeat. We had no meeting in November and at our December Christmas party meeting you asked that I not make a motion I had prepared. You indicated there would be opportunity for discussion at this January 23 meeting.
I believe the Executive Committee — as an obligation of leadership — must engage in a process of honest analysis of this disaster. What have we learned? What should we do differently in the future? As the elected leaders of the MCDP organization, we must acknowledge and accept responsibility for the failure of the organization.
I think we can all agree that if the MCDP had been stronger and more effective organization, the election results in this county would have been better, maybe, much better. We need to step away from the attitude that, “well, we did the best we could do.” Individually, that statement is true for many who tried so hard. But, our task of leadership is to engage in the painful task of honestly listing the ways that the MCDP, as an organization, fell short. Our task of leadership is to list the ways the MCDP, as an organization, can, and should, improve.
We need to be guided by measurable data and here are four questions that I believe should structure our research and discussions:
- What are the benchmarks that indicate the strength of a Democratic Party county organization? (One benchmark, for example, is the number of elected precinct leaders in a county.)
- What is the MCDP score for each benchmark? (Currently, only 168 precincts, out of 382 precincts in Montgomery County, have Democratic leaders.)
- What are the MCDP goals for these benchmarks for January 2026, 2027, 2028?
- What is the strategy and plan for accomplishing these goals?
Many rank-and-file Democrats are depressed, and, seemingly, are giving up on the Democratic Party. As Democratic Party leaders we shouldn’t pretend that everything is wonderful and that, if we just keep doing the same things, everything will be fine. To have any credibility with rank-and-file Democrats, we need to acknowledge there’s a lot a reasons to be discouraged with the Democratic Party, as an organization, and that the Democratic Party has a lot of room for improvement. Then, I think it is crucially important that we offer a positive vision for the future — a strong and thriving MCDP organization — and a plan for actualizing that future.
I’m hoping that you will support a motion that calls for the formation of a study group with membership in this group open to all members interested in participating. This group would be charged with researching the above four questions and preparing a report for discussion at our February meeting.
Mike Bock — Elected in 2022 to the MCDP Executive Committee to represent the Democrats in precinct Kettering 4-K and to serve as MCDP Precinct Leader. (First elected in 2006.)