How Appropriate: Mike Turner Is Offering His Constituents A Free Copy Of The United States Constitution

Congressman Mike Turner — Constitutional expert!

Wow. Congressman Mike Turner wants to send you a copy of the U.S. Constitution. His website has this notice:


The office of Congressman Mike Turner would be happy to send you a complimentary, pocket-sized copy of the U.S. Constitution. For more information please contact me at:

Congressman Mike Turner
Attn: Pocket Constitution
2239 Rayburn Building
Washington, DC 20515

Additional information may also be obtained by contacting my Washington office:
Phone: 202-225-6465


Turner promised to uphold and defend the U. S. Constitution, yet he is defending Trump’s seizure of funds appropriated by congress for other purposes. The Republican pretzel of reasoning that claims that somehow this seizure is constitutional is amazing to behold. Had Obama declared a fake national emergency to pull such a money grab, Turner and the other Republican hypocrites — now the Trump Party — would have cried bloody murder that such a money grab is unconstitutional. If anybody had any doubt, the Republican support for this National Emergency is showing that in the Trump Party, it is party over principle. It is party over constitution. Shame on you, Mr. Turner.

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One Response to How Appropriate: Mike Turner Is Offering His Constituents A Free Copy Of The United States Constitution

  1. Jeanne Angst says:

    Sad! He’s pathetic.
    His pocket Constitutions?
    We all know where he’s pulling ’em from.
    Be kind. Offer him Preparation H!

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