At August 29 Meeting, The Montgomery County Democratic Party Will Vote On Rules For Central Committee Meetings.

Zach Dickerson, Chairman of the MCDP Rules Committee, at the coming August 29 MCDP meeting, will present five possible additions to the MCDP Constitution. The purpose of these additions is to establish standards to strengthen the MCDP Central Committee.  According to Ohio Revised Code the Central Committee is the legislative body that is the “controlling committee” for the county party organization.

The proposed addition to the MCDP Constitution arose from complaints of members. I met with Mark Owens in April and he agreed to present to the Central Committee five proposed changes to the MCDP Constitution. These were printed in the June agenda. I presented these changes to the Central Committee at the June 27 meeting and after a brief discussion, the Committee voted to refer the proposed changes to the Rules Committee to check any legal issues and to improve the wording of the proposed changes.

The Rules Committee met in July and studied the proposed changes and made improvements in the wording and in clarity. The Rules Committee did not take a vote on whether, or not, to recommend approval. To change the MCDP Constitution requires approval by two-thirds of Central Committee members in attendance and voting.

Proposed Changes To The MCDP Constitution

Q. Minutes of the Central Committee shall include a record of all members in attendance at the meeting and identify the precinct that each attending member represent. The record of attendance shall be included in an email communication to Central Committee members with the minutes from that meeting.

R. Each regular Central Committee meeting will include a review of the minutes of the previous meeting and be presented for changes and vote approval by the Committee.

S. Each regular Central Committee meeting shall include a financial report of the income received and money spent since the previous report.

T. Each regular Central Committee meeting shall include a vote to open the meeting with the adoption of an agenda.

U. Each calendar year, the Finance Committee will propose a suggested operating budget dealing with all income from dues, gifts, and fundraisers. The Executive Committee will review the suggested budget and vote on whether to recommend approval. The budget and recommendation for approval from the Executive Committee will be presented to the Central Committee for discussion and vote for approval.

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2 Responses to At August 29 Meeting, The Montgomery County Democratic Party Will Vote On Rules For Central Committee Meetings.

  1. Chet Bauch says:

    Sounds logical and to the point. It surprises me that these items were not already in the document.

  2. Mike Bock says:

    Thanks Chet

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